And so we come to Part 2 of our show on the Enzyme Theory of Cancer. You've often heard us talk about why enzymes are important and digestive enzymes play crucial roles in so many different functions, that we risk over-stating the obvious.

But cancer is different, and the medical establishment’s limited success dealing with particular cancers using conventional means has left many people helpless and hopeless. It's why we try to shed light on not-well-known research that has been too quickly dismissed by the medical establishment for a variety of reasons.

Dr. Gonzalez' work on the Enzyme Theory of Cancer met with a great deal of opposition, and has been stymied by badly constructed verification studies, seemingly designed to discredit the theory, rather than get at the truth.

These enzyme catalysts may be the key to combating certain cancers and this truth is powerful for those running out of options. Tune in to learn why it's high time we give enzyme/cancer theory another close look.