Vaccinations. So much has been said, and so many studies overstating the claim of no linkage between autism and vaccinations, that anyone questioning the efficacy or safety of our modern vaccination protocol are considered vile troublemakers.

The real question at the heart of vaccine controversy is still ignored. After several brand new studies continue to bolster the linkage between vaccines and a host of neurological problems being triggered at all ages, we need to ask ourselves whether the risk of protection from a dreaded disease outweighs the risk of vaccination toxicity, a phenomenon emerging from much more detailed studies being conducted in recent years.

Vaccinations have nearly eradicated a host of diseases to be sure. For many other maladies, it's less clear how helpful they are. There is no simple answer here, but there is no denying a very real phenomenon, blowing up in study after study.

We recognize how polarizing this topic can be. Paraphrasing Mary from today's podcast, "we wish we were wrong."