After some stunning dental developments with Dr. Jack, he and Mary learned much more than they bargained for about the history of dentistry, the root canal process and numerous studies related to this procedure. More to the point, they learned why we may all be poisoning ourselves slowly, through the deadening of nerves in teeth, which in turn disguises all manner of severe infections and necrotizing tissue that could be festering in many of our mouths right now.

You read that right - dead and decaying matter in the "heart" of root canal treated teeth!

And as usual, there are financial forces directing the discrediting of doctors and dentists that have been trying to raise this alarm for many years. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on root canals annually, and it is a procedure with terrific margins for the attending dental surgeon. No one wants to learn that this popular procedure could be making people extremely sick over time.

Dr. Jack has been recovering for two weeks after the removal of several diseased teeth that had been in his mouth for years after routine root canals. In his own words, "I feel like I'm ten years younger." We broke this important podcast into two parts because there was a lot to cover in this amazing saga of Jack's teeth.

And Mary is scheduled for an extraction of her lone root canal tooth next week! Tune in to find out why...