Denise is the money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs want to make money and change the world. She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class Lives.

Her books, Lucky Bitch, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneneur give a fresh and funny roadmap to living a life of abundance without burnout. Her Money Bootcamp has helped over 6,000 students.

She’s a lazy introvert, a Hay House author and an unbusy mother of 3. She owns a rose farm and lives by the beach in sunny Australia.

Find her:
Instagram: @denisedt
Facebook: @denisedt

FWEP0005 Denise is the money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs want to make money and change the world. She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class Lives. 

Her books, Lucky Bitch, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and Chillpreneneur give a fresh and funny roadmap to living a life of abundance without burnout. Her Money Bootcamp has helped over 6,000 students. 

She’s a lazy introvert, a Hay House author and an unbusy mother of 3. She owns a rose farm and lives by the beach in sunny Australia. 

Find her:
Instagram: @denisedt
Facebook: @denisedt

FWEP0005 Win your money mindset with Denise Duffield Thomas The Lucky Bitch In this episode, we are talking about a woman of influence. We have a very special guest, a money mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs who wants to make money and change the world. She helps women charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class Lives.  Knowing the Power of influence Knowing influence will serve you as a leader in your family, community, and friends to the people that surround you. Being influential can be learned as Denise stated about the influence 
(2:30)“You could learn how to influence, you could learn how to be more charismatic and you could learn how to be a leader. You could persuade people, you could influence people to behave in a way that you actually want them to behave. But that would feel really good for them as well. And that’s when I got the concept of being a leader and leadership.” 
 A woman of influence is a challenging role because you must be careful with the way you act and speak. 

Common Myths about the power of influenceSometimes we can’t escape the fact of being scared of something. (4:04)“So, one thing that I found a lot of woman is scared about. They are actually scared of their own innate ability to be a leader and to influence others. Because they’re worried that it’s kind a bit manipulative. And they’re worried that they might use that power to do not so good things rather than do good things.”
 A lot of people want to be influential but they don’t have the courage or sometimes they are too weak to withstand others that they are often taken advantage of. But most women want to become influential to touch and change lives
(4:31) “A lot of women, want to influence people so they can help them transform their lives, they want influence people so they can encourage to do something good for themselves. But I think that's the misconception that people think or worry. That if they really enhance that power in themselves that will be very manipulative.”
 Maximizing Women of Influence An empowered woman can do great things with her influence and touch many lives in wonderful ways. (10:12)“ It has massive opportunities for women to have their own business to make their own money, empower other women, hire other women to inspire other women to do the same, that’s what  the world needs at the moment to make the smoothest shift to shape the world in ways that would benefit a lot of people.” 

How do you measure influence?(10:51)“Influence to some people means power. It means being on top, being the winner making and earning money; beating everyone else. For women, we can use our power for good so everyone thrive not just a few people and it’s not about beating other people. That’s why people shy away from this feeling of wanting to be influential, because we feel like, one person can do it.” 

The downside of being influential (13:05) I don’t want to be political and controversial. I don’t want people to think badly about me. 
(13:43)You have to consider your words a little bit more.  

Key Takeaways:
Influence is not about power but the ability to change other people’s lives.
Don’t shy away from wanting to be influential for fear of being hated.
Use your influence to make people’s lives better.
A woman of influence can help shape the world.
An influential person screens her words and actions.
 Key Resources: 

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Follow Denise on:
Instagram: @denisedt
Facebook: @denisedt