FWEP0009 Never give up with Carrie Lee Sze Kei Miss Chinese Cosmos International

Carrie Lee Sze Kei is a Malaysian Chinese actress, model, and businesswoman. 李诗琪 won for her home country, Malaysia in Hong Kong and won the prestigious title of Miss Chinese Cosmos International 2004.

FWEP0009 Never Give up with Carrie Lee Sze KeiIn this episode Never Give up, we have a very special guest Carrie Lee Sze Kei who won the Miss Chinese Cosmos International in 2004. She is the founder of Cosmo World a pageant organizing company based in Malaysia.            

Being a Woman of Influence in the Pageant worldCarrie Lee is not just a woman with beauty but she is a woman that’s full of courage and ready to take every circumstance whatever it takes. When she was 20 years old she struggled on how she can pursue her studies. Eventually, Carrie chose to give up her studies. But when she gave up her studies she did not stop there. She used it to build her confidence and took a step to create and achieve new goals. 
(4:03) “You must believe a lot of things... you must try! It's okay to fail when you fail you learn from all the mistakes. Whether you must believe in yourself, you still have to try”.

Managing our ChoicesWhen it comes to choices, it’s very hard to choose especially if we don’t have any choice. Sometimes, we regret our choice but most of the time our choice will lead us to success. For Carrie, she chose to give up her studies and choose her career.Carrie joined pageants when she was 18 and won the Miss Cosmo International at 19 and started a business at 20. So her choice in life leads her to where she is right now. (5:36)“Everyone has a choice. If you take this what are the consequences? And you can learn from yourself.” 
(6:26)"The choice that I made in my life is that I gave up my university and I chose my career, a faster path. The basics that you learn in University are very good but at the end of the day you still have to face the real world.” 

Facing the Giants in lifeAs a businesswoman, we’re not exempted from challenges and struggles. As Carrie ran her first business, she also encountered and experienced challenges especially that she did not finish her university. Sometimes, it varies how we deal with our challenges and how we conquer them. According to Carrie, we will face different kinds of people but all of them will train us to be a good person. (8:41)“Sometimes we as humans we meet a lot of obstacles, we meet a lot of people, which is bad people. But it's okay because you never know until you've reached that circumstance. Actually these people will train you to be a better person, they will train you to be a smarter person, so I've learned from the obstacles that I have met.”
Productivity is not solely based on a degree it is a mixture of a lot of things, including perseverance and determination.You can do more beyond your limitations.
(9:26)“You can do more and when you do more things that you learned is much more than the ordinary person. When you work more than 8 hours a day, the things that you have gained from yourself is much more than the people around you. Those are people smarter than you but if you put in the hard work you can actually get things done. I really worked hard for all the things that I want to. For me, nothing is free lunch. When you want something out there you still have to work very hard for what you want to achieve that is the goal that we need to set in our mind.”

How do you handle people’s judgments?Sometimes we cannot dictate people’s mind as Carrie said 
(10:34) “You cannot change people's minds. You have to prove to people. Time can prove everything, sometimes you don't need to argue with the person. Time can prove everything, just wait for the time!”

Key Takeaways: 
Being a Woman of Influence in the Pageant world
Managing our Choices
Facing the Giants in life
How do you handle people’s judgments?

Key Resources:
Follow Carrie Lee on Instagram : Carrie lee 李诗琪 (@carrielee1212)
Twitter: Carrie Lee (@carrielee_16)
Visit Carrie Lee’s website: www.carrielee.com.my
Visit Carrie Lee on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarrieLeeSzeKei/