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Shopify Asia Partners With Soul Rich Woman: Rise Of The Women Affiliates and Women In Ecommerce

FWEP00034 Laura Andersen Are women capable in doing business?Being in the industry of business requires a lot of quality to be able to be enough. Laura wanted to share to the world that every woman can do amazing things and has a huge opportunity in the business world. (2:47- 3:16) Honestly, more than half of Shopify merchants are women, and I will say that there’s a very small percentage of women who are actually inspiring other women to be entrepreneurs and so we recognized that there’s a need for more women partners, we need more women in the business, creating campaigns for women, marketed to women and we recognized that there’s a huge business opportunity there.  (4:11-4:32) This is my dream job, and the reason this my dream job is I know some incredible women who are just capable of so many amazing things and they’re not only capable but they’re accomplishing amazing things. Being from a background affiliate marketing unfortunately, the large majority are men.  (5:05-5:22) I want more women to have the freedom to choose how they spend their career , what they do for a living. I want women to be in choice of how they earn money, what business is they wanna pursue and you know, have the tools available to them to make that happen.  Shopify’s partnership with Soul Rich WomanLaura shared to us how happy they are in the partnership with Soul Rich Woman. She stated that she was so excited about it because she knows that both partners can provide a stronger community together. (5:39-6:20) So we’re really excited to say that we have recently partnered with Soul Rich Woman. We are so excited about this partnership, for a number of reasons but one in particular is that it’s a really strong community of women within South East Asia all over Asia and all over the world but being able to actually partner with amazing networks of people such as Soul Rich Woman is a huge opportunity for Shopify and personally I just represents such an incredible shift in our industry to be able to create meaningful new campaigns for the world.  (7:11-7:21) You learn so much, you learn things that you don’t even plan to learn. And if you have that hunger and that curiosity to always want to learn from the people around you just get better all the time.  What is Shopify and it’s purpose?Laura shared the use of shopify and how to do it. She stated It was developed and it was built to help individuals get into commerce and do that and have that power in their own hands.   (9:01-9:22) It’s a platform that enables entrepreneurs to sell. So I compare it to setting up your facebook profile. So easy, you input your details, it prompts you, what you want your profile to look like but then you’re actually the one who creates what you post, what you publish, what you share with the world.  

Key Takeaways:

1.    Every women has a good opportunity in the business2.    Women are valued3.    Everyday is a learning experience4.    No one is perfect5.    We can do amazing things in life
Key Resources:

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