Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" --->
(Part 2 of 2) Bhudi Wayan, wife of Arthur Carmazzi is truly an inspiring lady. Never giving up even though graduating only from senior high school to becoming an investor of properties in Bali, Indonesia. They both are owners of several resorts including Avalon Resort

FWEP00037 Bhudi Wayan Dreams don’t happen unless we start to action it now. The things we do in the present molds and shapes our future. Ms. Budi pointed that out. (01:30-01:59) It is fast because that’s what I want to do. I think a lot because of sometimes stress in the environment but I heal it with nature activities. After I learn it for many years, there’s no point to check on so much stress. It is better to do it instead of thinking about it.  (02:08-02:23) I learn it myself because when I keep thinking it is not useful like just keep thinking and not doing it and there’s no result so better just do it and enjoy it. (03:31-03:53) I tried to budget my money as much as I can so I manage the money for the portion for the building, a portion for my kids’ school, portion for the family, a portion for the maintenance of the house, the villas so I tried.  (04:30-04:58) I met him 12 years ago and he crashed my motorcycle. The time when I met him, I was 19, and I’m about to buy my motorcycle. My motorcycle was very new then he crashed it. And he tried to hide the crashed motorcycle.  (07:00-07:34) I learned to do accounting on my own from tutorials. When I was working years ago, there’s no computer so I learned on my own, by myself and by asking knowledgeable persons. Push yourself because no one’s gonna do that for you. For us to become who we wanted to be, we should try new things and push ourselves out from our normal boundaries. Ms. Budi shared the times when she pushed herself into her limits. (07:52-08:19) It took a while to be able to have something. When I was young my mother always taught me if I make 100 thousand Rupiah, I have to save 50% of it. So every time I make money, I have to save 50% of it to use it in achieving my dreams. (08:43-09:08) Food is very important, buying healthy food and supporting the kids’ activities is also important. I still use the money for fun but not using just to use it. I don’t go to shopping malls that often.  (09:25-09:50) I’m thinking about 5 years later that it will be much expensive so I tried doing it now, forced myself for 5 years from now all materials and the working fee will be much higher so I’m doing it now. (09:55-10:39) Sometimes, as a human being, there are times you tell yourself that it’s not gonna work or I don’t like it and maybe there is deserving instead of investing. I started and bought the land and started to get the workers and because it’s a long process sometimes I forced myself to keep on doing it and keeping the excitement.It takes sweat, determination, and perseverance to make our dreams into reality. All our dreams will come true if we have the courage to pursue them. Yes, it’s gonna be a long process but everything will be worth it at the right time like Ms. Budi did in her life. (10:50-10:54) To be motivated, I got to see the progress and be grateful. So learn to enjoy the process.  (11:33-11:50) I have two boys that I need to support. In marriage, you still need things with fun together. Now, I learn not to rely so much on my husband. (12:58-13:31) First, we need to be grateful. Be grateful for the things that we have. Move forward with the dream that we wanted to have. Start eating healthy food. Have enough sleep because it helps us to think better. Don’t compare our life to other people. 

Key Takeaways: 
Always have a positive mind out of negative situations.
Dreams without motivation are useless.
Before spending, we must think if we need it or we just want it.
Never compare your own time to others’ time to be successful. 
The road to our dreams are really long so we must be so patient.
Key Resources:
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Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" --->