Sheryl Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and best-selling author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. In this episode, she shares how Lean In is helping women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world.
She wants a world where people of every gender can pursue their dreams without bias or other barriers holding them back. Where girls grow up to be confident, resilient leaders. Where more women run companies and countries.

FWEP00010 Be unapologetically ambitious, confident and lean in into your leadership potential with Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and best-selling author of Lean In In this episode we have a very special guest, she is the chief operating officer of Facebook and best-selling author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. In this episode, she shares how Lean In is helping women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world.She wants a world where people of every gender can pursue their dreams without bias or other barriers holding them back. Where girls grow up to be confident, resilient leaders. Where more women run companies and countries.  

Encouraging the World to be unapologetically ambitious
 To have ambition and be ambitious is not bad at all. It’s a way for us to strive hard for the things we want to achieve. (3:22) We need to encourage the world to be ambitious and the world is not going to do it for us. We are gonna have to do it ourselves. 
 (3:42) When we published a book and started my foundation was to get women into local chapters, local circles to explicitly be ambitious maybe other places will say I’m gonna dream big, I’m not really afraid and I’m gonna go for whatever I want.  

Importance of circlesTo have a circle of friends whom you can hang with and who can help you is significant. We have different types of circles which we belong to. Each circle will help us achieve our goals and ambitions in life.(4:39) What we know about circles is that they are very empowering to the people who are in it. Two-thirds of the women who join a circle will take on a new opportunity because of the encouragement of their circle. (5:00)The circles get together every month and support each other and encourage each other, and I know everyone has a really busy life you have long hours of work, you have friends,  you have children 

Not about gender biasA woman’s heart has the tendency to become deceitful and lead emotions to drive your life.(6:35) The heart of women is that at that same level of performance. Men often have more confidence than women and here’s why. It’s because if you have a certain level of performance and you ask anyone around or the person themselves who remember it male accomplishments are remembered a little bit higher and women accomplishments are a little bit low. (6:59) That means we are systematically underestimating ourselves. 
 (7:03) Not on purpose, I wanna be clear (7:09) And this is not gender bias(7:11) It’s a bias that everyone has and so this is why we know that when men get promoted based on their potential and women get promoted based on what they’ve already done.  

The Goal of woman(7:23)So, the goal of a woman is to tell people even if you are not a hundred percent feeling the rapport apply for the job anyway. Build your confidence.(7:50) Write down three things you did well for your sake. They can be really small. (8:00)But I realized when I started doing that I never realized I would spend every single night thinking about what I did wrong, thinking about what went wrong rather than what went right.(8:14) This is what I did well really helped build my confidence and it’s a great track everyone do it!

 Let go of your fears to unleash the potential within you.(8:41) What would you do if you weren’t afraid?(8:48) There’s a lot of data behind what people are afraid of in the world. And people will always regret the things they didn’t do. (8:58) They do not regret the things they did even if it didn’t work out. 

Key takeaways:
1. Dream big and pursue it.2. Be bold and don’t let fear hold you back.3. You are a woman and you are capable of great things.4. Don’t use bias as an excuse to remain mediocre.5. Always try, don’t just give up. 

Key Resources: Visit Sheryl’s Website: Sheryl on Instagram and Twitter: Sheryl Sandberg (@sherylsandberg)Facebook:
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