FWEP00097- Untold Story of The World's Greatest Women With Genecia Alluora

Today’s woman grew up with little money and was supporting herself by the age of 14. During her teenage years, she was bullied and her self-esteem struggled. However along the way she was introduced to modeling and the world of beauty. She entered pageants and began winning. Her self-confidence grew as she won Ms. Singapore and was one of the Top 3 finalists in the Ms. Universe pageant. She dug deep into entrepreneur endeavors with Image consulting and a Cafe retail chain. There were partnerships along the way that worked and some that didn’t. But through it all, she never gave up on women and her ability to elevate them. Today through her Soul Rich Women brand, she mentors thousands of women to bring their business and leadership brands online. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Genecia Alluora.

Turn your mess into your message

(3:14-3:30) My first intuition and instinct was to resist because what my mother said sounds like “neggy” and a net to me. But when that got into my heart, that was when I started to see light at the end of the tunnel. 

(3:36-3:40) Being the youngest instructor in Singapore, many people laughed at me.

(3:45-4:29) I had to work doubly hard as a young person. And keeping in mind that even though we have passed, gone through the journey of not having enough and how can I turn this courage around to become something that I can share along, to my class students and also the people that surround me. So turning your mess into your message did not start at the right footing, it was only through self-reflection and knowing what upholds my mother’s values that helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Because I truly believe that when we have a diamond that is within us, we all deserve to shine.

Who you choose as your friends

(4:49-4:58) I think there are 3 things you wanna be looking at. Number 1, is not to look into the quantity of friends but look into the quality of friends.

(5:01-5:16) Friendships are bound to a test of time. You definitely need to know what and who to talk to and what to talk to. The easiest way for you to move into a group where friends can support you is to look for a ready community.

(5:33-5:40) Number 3, really look for people who are in a small group. That means you are doing beta testing.

(5:45-5:55) Never put all the eggs in the basket and get out there because you don’t know who to trust and that is always a question. Of course, we want to give the benefit of the doubt to people around us.

(5:57-6:05) But like I said, everything is built through the test of time. So what you can do is always start with a beta group. 

(6:14-6:28) In business, when you’re moving online as a newbie and you’re bringing to … ready to build your personal brand, look for a small group of 3 to 5 people whom you can mastermind with. A Beta group, a mastermind group, where you can feel it.

(6:37-6:39) Be a giver and not just a taker.

(6:45-6:58) So you really need to look into how you can contribute as well to the group so that everyone grows together to the next level, right? Because alone you are strong, together we are unstoppable.

 What did you learn that you’d want to tell other women about going into a partnership with someone?

(7:33-7:37) When you do a business with friends, you must first have rules.

(7:39-7:50) What is a “roles and responsibilities”? I think that would be one thing. That would be very clear. Secondly, you want to have the ability to have, you know, when you make money, what happens to the money.

(7:50-8:09) discuss about monetary issues. Discuss about money stuff, money ideas, money values, how can you cope with money. What if there are no customers, who's responsible for what, and how are you going to manage the cash flow of the entire business, which is the lifeline of the business. It’s not just about the profits that you are making but the cash flow.

(8:17-8:41) Last but not least, put in the effort and contribute. Be a giver and not just a taker. Do your part, play a hundred percent all out. If it doesn’t work, you will know by the end of the day. But at least you know that you’ve given your hundred and ten percent to the business, through that game, through that friendship, to that vision that you have in front of you.

(9:25-9:43) We will tend to trust women and we tend to trust more easily and we want to do more in the way that we want to contribute. In the end, sometimes, we are taken advantage of because we don’t know how to set personal boundaries and that is something that you really need to learn.

(9:54-9:58) Learn to agree to disagree

(10:01-10:02) and be okay with that.

Do you feel happy today? And what have you done differently to achieve this?

(10:15-10:25) I definitely feel so much happier today. I think being myself is one of the greatest gift that I have given myself since I have moved out from the entertainment industry.

(11:07-11:22) So really learning to accept myself and loving myself even more and be aligned with my mind, body, and soul to truly embrace that “Hey! This is who I am. Take it or leave it.”

Value Exchange

(12:46-12:58) So value exchange,  to my realization and through my self-reflection, simply means what value do you put on the table when someone sponsors you. What is the benefit? What’s in it for them? 

(13:12-13:48) Look into play “win-win”. Now “win-win” simply means that if they give you something, for example, they sponsor you series of trainings, they gonna get you grooming and department, and help you to present yourself beautifully and perfectly to win that title on stage or win that business. Then perhaps after you win, contribute back by being their ambassador. Let’s say for example 3 months, half a year, or even a year for X number of hours based on the value of the  duties that you are, kind of, matching in with the goods that has been sponsored to you. 

(13:50-13:52) As a way of Value-exchange.

(13:53-13:58) So for me, it’s definitely helped me to choose my sponsors wisely.

(14:05-4:10) First and foremost, I choose based on a few criteria. First, your values must be aligned with mine.

(14:18-14:19) Number two, who is your target audience?

(14:25-14:30) Are there people whom I hope to reach that I wasn’t able to and you are able to do that?

(14:31) Number three,

(14:33-14:50) How am I going to help you to spread your message of the awareness of brand message to my audience as well, and to my followers as well. So when you have these questions in your mind, it becomes a win-win situation. And that is my understanding of value exchange.

What’s the first thing businesswomen need to do if they want their business to go from offline to online?

(15:42-15:43) Find a coach.

(15:48-16:01) For me, I will take this path and I would tell myself I can go from this path the earliest and the fastest. I think that to me would shortcut my success even at a...