94: Get Your Brave On and Take Some Serious Biz Building Action Using Podcast With Dr Yong Hsin Ning

FWEP00094 Get Your Brave On and Take Some Serious Biz Building Action Using Podcast With Dr Yong Hsin Ning 

Today's guest, we have Dr. Yong Hsin Ning. She is my mentee. She’s completed on the season of her podcast. Podcasting is something that I highly recommend the women in our community to embark on, because it’s relatively easier to share your content without showing your face. And I know that many of you are shy of showing your face. So I’ll let  her share with you her journey, her lessons learned and some of the wrap up that she has for you. Enjoy today’s episode!

Impact of Embarking on Dr. Yong Hsin Ning’s journey

(02:26-02:42) The journey started with a conversation with Genecia, my business mentor. That pretty much went like this:

 “Hey! Hsin Ning, are you interested in doing  a podcast?”

“Oh. yeah sure! I love to talk.”

Ok, the rest is history.

(2:57-3:17) 10 months into my journey and I was obviously way off in my expectations, in a good way. Square Apple show now is downloaded by listeners across ten countries. I also received personal notes about how people are impacted by the messages in my podcast. 

(3:44-4:10) When I started to prepare for the podcast, I had some ideas in mind,  what I wanted to focus on which was around my success. Organizational change and my entrepreneurship journey. But increasingly I realized that everything and anything I wrote kind of converted to a framework that I used to see and do things differently.

(4:12-4:27) So after writing 55 episodes and about 82,500 words later, I developed the Square Apple Mindset framework which is a systematic way for people to see ten times more opportunities in their careers and businesses.

(4:36-4:45) This method helps people to see opportunities that they usually miss and it gives them the courage to take action and pursue those opportunities.

(4:54) And I developed a set of frameworks that sets me apart from other business advisers or change management consultants.

(5:03-5:20) Secondly, it helps me in developing valuable assets that I can use for my teaching and my business. I have repurpose podcast content into an ebook, into prompt cards, into teaching materials and I’m in the process of creating a digital course as well.

(5:31-5:50) The third and final impact is to other people. In a way, this impact is a different side of the coin from the first impact. The first impact talks about how I got clarity. This impact is about how this clarity, then translates to helping other people do things differently.

(5:52-6:00) My passion is to help people see things in a different light from what they have been used to. Especially for business owners and entrepreneurs. 

(6:16-6:27) So by telling people, “You have to think out of the box.”, is very tough because people first, they don’t even know what’s in their box and they don’t know what’s outside the box. So it really doesn’t help.

(6:29-6:40) So the consistent feedback that I have from the people that I work with is that the messages that I shared is very particle. So it’s easy for people to apply it to their careers or businesses.

(6:42) The final impact that I want to share is that the podcast has been effective in helping me become a good coach to my audience who are really fellow entrepreneurs who are on their business building adventure. 

Challenges to overcome

(7:21-7:31) The first obstacle for me is finding the time to write the podcast script. The way that I prepare for the podcast is to write out the entire script. 

(8:28-8:42) You know when you aim high, you may fall a little short. But if you don’t aim high, you will fall very short. So setting a tangible goal and breaking it down into baby-steps help me overcome this obstacle.

(8:44-9:01) The second obstacle is figuring out what to write. So even though I can find the time to write, it’s not that easy to just write. Sometimes I don’t even have a block of two hours and I need to squeeze it in between meetings.

(9:02-9:13) I have done two things to overcome this obstacle. The first thing is to constantly look out for things and make note of the interesting stuff that I come across and I can write about.

(9:19) The second thing that I have done is to create a very structured template for my podcast script. 

(9:45-10:01) This template is a lifesaver because I can actually start writing once I hit the computer. No doubt our podcast episodes will flow exactly in the same way but atleast all the big blocks of the content are there.

(10:04-10:06) It really, really saved a lot of time.

(10:12-10:22) Podcast is a really variable option for you to consider if you want to do something meaningful for yourself and for others.

Key Takeaways:

Podcasting can be your catalyst to change your life.Always put in effort to prepare a podcast.Less is more.Set a goal.Aim high!

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset