FWEP00045 Shian Lee Chiam

In this episode, our guest is an amazing lady from Brunei who started playing the piano when she was 3 years old but started the piano when she was 1 year old. She won the world championship at 15 years old and her name is Shian Lee Chiam.

Competing in the Olympics of Music

Shian shared to us when she started performing which is a big part of her life. She also stated the feelings she felt doing her passion. 

 (3:17-3:39) - I’ve been performing since I was 7, so performing is part of my life. You know, if you love to do something it’s not work, it’s not like something you dread, something you actually love of course I have to say it was a little bit nervous this is broadcast live to people around the world. This is my first time going to Hollywood and to compete there with all the different nations.

 (03:53 -4:00) - Being in the new environment open place where everyone is so passionate about the performing artist it is amazing.
 Source of success

Her parents supports her throughout her career and she is very thankful for that, because her parents her inspiration.
 (04:22 - 04:37) So much of my success is because my mom and my dad really push me and sometimes it’s really tough but they just get you through you know you have that one person that will always push you no matter what. That really help me. 


(7:19-7:31) Parents your children are really really important. You have to give them time every single day just one hour to help them know their dreams. Cause if you don’t then the time is gonna past really really fast. 

Having program for toddlers 


Helping Toddlers Become Protégées.

Shian’s mom has a program which they entertain kids for an hour every single week to help them teach the children be musically inclined.


(8:16-8:56) My parents have a project, my mom have this program for toddlers and this is the way that she trained us when we are on 3 to 4 to 5 it’s called EMF/EMG. This program helps toddlers become protégées. It teach you good rhythm teach you perfect pitch and it’s one hour a week. So we are trying to launch it out in Ebook form so we can access the children around the world. So that all the child, if they spend this one hour a week, every single week they will also learn how to be more musically inclined and also learn the strategies that my mom taught me. 


(9:46-10:07) It’s like everyone can start but it’s the way how you finish. It’s really the way how you finish. You have to go all the way, finish it. There’s no point starting like this fitness program or that fitness program and never finishing. You can buy ten of them but if you never finish it it’s no good. You have to go all the way to the extreme till the end and then you’ll see the results.


How do you manage your time?

Time management is very important specially if you’re in the industry of performing. 1 hour for each of her routines are enough for her to manage her time.


(12:23-12:47) In the morning, you must always dedicate time to sit down and meditate, meditate first of all like, first I do my quiet time in the morning with God. I meditate what I’m gonna do today and then after that I start to exercise. Exercise releases endomorphins, it would trigger you to make you happy 


Love the life you have

Those who understand you will never judge you. Keep on working hard to reach your dreams. Once you appreciate the life you have today, tomorrow will be another day for you to step closer to your dreams.


(15:28-16:09) A lot of times you may not fit in, you may think that you’re not good enough but I face a lot of cases especially in this industry, where you have to  fit in this type in this image you know in these things. I want to say that you must live in this moment. You must love life, love yourself the way that you are right now. So that tomorrow you don’t live in the stressed life. Live in the kind of knowing this that you love yourself and every single day is a process. Every single day is one step closer to your journey, to your goal.


Key Takeaways:

1.       Live the life that you want.

2.      Respect and love your parents.

3.      Always have the strategy.

4.      There’s always a person to support you

5.      Manage your time

Key Resources:
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