EPISODE 3 A man is not the plan with Mary Buffett

In this episode our very special guest is a best-selling author, international speaker, entrepreneur, political and environmental activist Ms. Mary Buffet. Ms. Buffett’s first book Buffettology, co-written with David Clark in 1997, was an immediate New York Times and Business Week best-seller. Since that time, all seven of Ms. Buffett’s books have been best-sellers.

A woman of influence

According to Marry a woman of influence is someone means 
(4:30)“how much we can do as women and influence our children, our husbands' politics, finance and all kinds of ways of influencing the world to be more peaceful and prosperous place”

Women plays a big role when it comes to being influential, not just around the corner but around the world also.
(4:56) “To be a woman of influence is a woman who influences anyone and anything basically.
(5:23) I guess it would be to teach my children and other children and other women especially to feel that they can do it. Just as anyone can do it.  But especially women I think women are actually better investors than men I think our intentions are better.”

 Favorite moment of influence

(6:46) The best thing I’ve done is while my children were in school was to influence their classmates by being a role model by being a single mom with my son and really being involved. And helping young man to become good man.

What does success mean in building an empire?

(7:27) Success means that I got an opportunity to share with other people and that’s the most important thing to me. We need to share what we’ve learned, what we have and what we can do.

 Pursue your dream and make it happen

Through education we’ll learn a lot of things and through that we can achieve our dreams. Mary Buffet stated.

(9;10)Education is the most important driver of prosperity and influence. 

 (9:45)A man is not a plan, in other words you can do it yourself you can build something out of nothing as long as you
have the dream. So follow that dream don’t give up and it can happen. 



Key Takeaways:

1.    A woman can be influential if she decides to be.

2.    You can make a difference in the world with your influence.

3.    Empower women and children for the next generations.

4.    An influential woman will teach others to be better people.

5.    Being influential means having the opportunity to make the world a better place.


Key Resources:
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