FWEP00029 John Tan

In this episode we have a really amazing guest he is a volunteer of Care Singapore helping youth to succeed. His name is Dr. John Tan, he is a highly engaging interesting person, his life mission is to facilitate success experiences of youth as well as those who administers to youth. He is care Singapore executive director with his children at risk empowerment association since 2005 to present. He was formerly a director of the development of Care Singapore from December 2001 to 2004. He is a member stirring committee, mentoring alliance Singapore limited. He is also the chairperson of commonwealth alliance of youth work associations. He is also the founding president of youth work association Singapore. 

The start of podcasting

If you believe in yourself that you can do it. It will truly happen. We might not be that positive thinker at the beginning but then we still try. Just share what you have in your heart.

(5:11-5:36) It is a great sense of achievement for me to have completed the whole season, a whole season of every you’ve met us. It was something that I really wanted to do for long, long time. And when I first launched it I was so overwhelmed and touched by the responses I received. 

(06:06-6:30) There were several others who congratulated me for my efforts and they say that wow! This is long time coming we need to hear your voice and we want your voice to be heard far, far wide. Wow this is amazing and it was truly a fantastic experience for me. 

(7:01-7:46) Why would a podcast like this carry on? Or in the first place take off. So firstly, podcasting the term podcasting during my time when I first started out there was no such thing like podcasting so what on earth is a podcast? So it has this image that is very difficult thing to do. It is something very difficult but honestly I tell you it’s only a sound board that is connected to some storage devise and with some buttons and there you have, you can have your voice heard and shared. 

Who want to Listen?

Here comes the negativity, thinking that you are new into this career you don’t have the confidence in you at the beginning. But after doing it for some time you will start loving what you started.

(9:37-9:54) Actually I just some of the statistics of my shows that came out initially wow! There are people a hundreds. Well, you have a story and therefore there is someone who might want to listen.

(10:03-10:37) But hello podcast, podcast goes out to the internet to the World Wide Web and they will listen. Next one, not boring me. Well, what is boring? Boring, what’s the opposite of boring it’s not exciting it’s fulfilling you never know that you doesn’t have to have excitement but you can be fulfilling because your story, your story may touch a heart out there. You never know.  Through podcasting you’ll never know it can do it. It can do it. 

(10:44-11:15) There so much resource out there, what so special about yours? Well, once again it’s connected to your story and your story is unique. Your story is special, now even at this point as you are listening I’m sure you have a story, I’m sure you have a story it’s just that maybe it hasn’t come out or maybe you don’t know how to tell. So I’m just gonna give you a preview right now through podcasting you can actually do it. 

Think of what you want to do

Every story captures a heart, just share it and don’t think of negative things. Accept the challenges that will come to you and learn from it.

(12:57-13:36) Go with the flow, tell your story. Now, one big objection I may have as a guy because I’m using Soul Rich Woman, someone may ask. Well John what’s a guy like you doing with Soul Rich Woman? My answer would be it doesn’t matter because they get it done and they get it done well, and they get it done right, and they get it done so efficient so who cares right Soul Rich Woman, well I feel my soul has been enriched by Soul Rich Woman.

(13:44-12:57) You can do it too! If you have a story and when you think nobody else want to listen, I’m saying it doesn’t matter to me now. Guess what, I have a legacy to live.

Key Takeaways:

1.       Let your voice be heard.

2.       Your story is unique and special.

3.       Everything is possible.

4.       Accept challenges.

5.       Age is just a number.


Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
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Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

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