FWEP00027 Elisha Tan


In this episode we have a very special guest, her name is Elisha Tan she is best known as the co-founder of TechLadies. A community-led initiative for women in Asia to connect, learn, and grow in the tech industry.


Share Your Story To Inspire, Be Bold To Become Who You Are & Live Your Dreams


If there is something you want to pursue, live with it. Be strong to accomplish it. Sometimes sacrificing is the best to achieve what you dream off. If you succeed, share with others your experience and inspire them to pursue their dream, no matter what.



I guess, everything was quite a sacrifice. If you want something, you have to give up something.  I have sacrificed my life. It is not easy but it’s somewhat very rewarding.  I do think that if you want to see something happen, you need to hustle.


The beginning of pursuing passion


Sometimes it takes time for us to realize what we want. When we find it, try to grab it immediately. If it fails then try again. Try and try until you finally succeed.



When I was in between jobs, that was before Facebook, I thought why don’t I just do something that I’m very passionate at. Where does my heart lie? What do I want to see happen in my community? When it started, I wasn’t sure what it was. I just try it, if it fails then let’s pretend it didn’t happen. So that’s how it gets started.



So when I learn how to decode, that when it opens my eyes to the tech community. One thing is that, when you hustle, people respect your real passion and see your hard work. If you meet somebody, they will hate us. There are people who’ll discredit you. There are who’ll think you will not succeed. First of all, you don’t need to shut all of it out. A way for you to grow is to be able to take healthy criticism. 


Helping others

Share to others your secrets of how you succeed. Help, empower and inspire them to pursue it.



I can outsource and help people with technology. That is something I want to do. A lot of people have a passion for giving back, but they don’t know ‘how’. So a way for me to do that is to give them a structure, so they can contribute as well. It’s more about asking for help and giving them direction on how they can help. 



The good thing is that I don’t have kids, that is my one major thing that is off my plate. That also gives me a chance to learn how to manage my time. 


Be authentic, don’t be afraid

One thing you need to learn in life is to be you. Don’t be afraid of what others may say. Help those who need your help. 



What I’ve learned is to be authentic. Show some personality. Let people know you.   Because I feel that a lot of people like to hide behind a screen. Let people know you, show your personality. Don’t be rude. Also, be a good person. 



I started blogging about my life. That how I found myself sharing what I believe and what my dreams are. That’s why I realize there are haters out there. But sharing a story, your supporter gets to know you as well because people starting believe in you and your dreams that’s why they want to help.



I agree that a lot of women are shy. They’re not use in talking about themselves. You can start sharing on your Facebook wall, it does not have to be entirely public, it just be on your wall. Let people know you. Then afterward people get inspired by you, they want to support you. 



Just start somewhere. If you fail, just pretend it didn’t happen. It’s okay to fail, don’t be too hang-up about it. 


Key Takeaways:

Be brave, pursue your dream no matter what.If it fails, then start all over again. There is no wrong if you fail once or many times.Others may pin you down, don’t let them do it. Be strong and courageous. Be you, show the people what you're made of. Show them that you can do anything.Share, help and inspire others.

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

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