FWEP00023 Xie Ying Lian

In this episode, we have our special guest today. Ying Lian Xie is best known for her work as the CEO and co-founder of Datavisor, a successful fraud detection technology company based in the Silicon Valley. Ying Lian's career achievement was recognized and she selected as Women of Influence in the year of 2017. 


A woman influencer

As a woman, people are expecting too much from you. That is why you need to be brave to face all the challenges in life you deal with daily. You need to be a good leader for there are people who are looking up to you because of your influence. 


1:54-2:33 Woman with influence can be very broad and sometimes people interpret they’re living more narrow way. Influence is that as women we actually influencing in many different ways, we play different roles and we influence working the workplace our co-workers and as a leader we influence our team but there are also bigger influence as we influence the family and friends, we influence our children, to some extent women actually have a great influence on the society in general and it can be actually very broad and deep.


5:25-5:53 I still feel myself lucky, lucky in a sense that me and my co-founders we both actually are female co-founders is the company and the technology but we actually are fortunate enough to work with many of few of these greatest investors in the world and they definitely did not hold any view of like were women to treat us differently so I feel very lucky.


Just be yourself

Working in a company as a woman leader you need to make them feel that you are strong and confident. Do not let them think that you are weak because you are a girl instead make them know you through your achievements


7:07-7:15 on the surface may be on seeing the image of two female co-founders sometimes the question would raise up. 


7:44-8:26 As myself, I did not think very intentionally that I need to work around harder that didn’t come across to me and felt that maybe there are some of the lucky part that I was able to work with someone with these investors in the world who are actually extremely supportive and extremely helpful. So I didn’t have that strong feeling if I need to work harder  but in general start up is hard I always felt I need to work hard and that is a fact that I believe regardless of men and women. We have to work very hard particulars are entrepreneurs and it’s not just an easy journey.


8:28-8:33 That kind of awareness and that kind of thing always push us through and my comment is really sort of regardless what we do whether it’s a guy and a woman as we presume a lot of dreams we


8:42-8:49  Regardless what we do, whether it’s a guy and a woman as we presume a lot of dreams we always have to work very hard.


10:25-10:30 Establish the strong correlation between the sort of a woman and a strong leader. 


Key Takeaways:
1. Balance work and family

2. Influence people

3. Give compliments to people

4. Be a good leader

5. Work with quality


Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset

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