FWEP00016 Secrets of success From street kid to CEO of a publicly-listed company With Dr. Patrick Liew, Managing Partner of Global Enterprise Exchange and Founder of Success Resources


In this episode, we have a very special guest. He is the founder and CEO of two different companies and listed them on ASX and SGX. He was previously the regional CEO of a strategic advisory firm and was involved in listing the firm in the NYSE.

He is also actively involved with civic and philanthropic circles.


Dare to dream

Every single day we are encouraged to really live out our dreams. We should focus on what we really love and what can help us grow. 

(3:48) I was a street kid

(3:54) …at 15 years old I became a Christian and that’s the reason I wanted to be a social worker 

(4:09)And later on, I discover that as an entrepreneur I can be even better than a social worker. As an entrepreneur, you know the dream is to build up a company that’s what everybody thinks as a social worker you want to make a positive difference in people’s lives. As an entrepreneur, you know if through my business I can provide jobs for my people. Through running a very good business selling good products and services I can help people live a better life.  


Boldly moving towards success

Before achieving success there’s a lot of roadblocks that might hinder us.  So, how do we face all those roadblocks in life? Dr. Patrick fights his roadblocks in a very unique way. 

(4:37)When I started Success Resources we had a dream of changing the world through education. And I am very proud to say that today we are arguably the largest seminar organizing company in the world.  

(4:55)First of all you must ask yourself what do you love to do, this is what I call passion. Secondly, ask yourself what can you do very well, this is what I call performance.

(5:07) Thirdly, Ask yourself what is important for you to do at this point in your life, which is a priority. Finally, and most important all you need to ask yourself what is your purpose.


Defining Charisma
Dr. Patrick believes there are 3 stages to be charismatic. He summarized the stages saying:
(5:46) 1st stage is they must like me
 (5:56) They must trust me, so that’s the second stage.
 (5:59) And then finally, I must come to a point where they respect me

(6:04) Charisma has to do with likeability, trustworthiness and respect. 


Aim for excellence

The best way to get better results is to strive for excellence at all times.
 (6:15) E stands for Excellence so if I’m gonna be charismatic if I want to be charismatic, whatever I do I must aim to achieve excellence.  Be the best that you can. 

(6:27) Finally, to be charismatic we must be able to fulfill our mission in life.

 The synergy of the Four Cs
 What are these? Here’s what  Dr. Patrick shared about the Four Cs. 

(6:40) First C is what I called commitment you must have commitment. If you don’t have commitment nothing will work.  

The second thing that you need to have is, you need to have charisma. You’re not born with it you need to develop it you need to apply it in your life.

(6:52) The third C has to do with competence, competence has to do with knowledge. And you need the A you need to have the right attitude. You need S, you need skils, you need to be able to make things happen and finally, you need H, H stands for habits
 (7:05) And the last C is compassion. 


Great Advice

Wherever we go we always seek a piece of advice from someone who can help us enlighten our minds. Dr, Patrick teaches us the following P’s to remember: 

(7:18) First P is you must know your purpose in life. If you don’t know your purpose how can you can you make a difference? The second P is Personality what is true about you? What is real about you? What do you live for? What do you believe in? What do you stand for? What are you inspired to do? You must live it with your life, put it in action. Without action, you can never have results. 

(7:35) The next P is Planning if you fail to plan you plan to fail. 


Key takeaways: 

Don’t just dream, pursue it.Do not allow your past to affect your future.Know your life’s purpose.Action will make a difference.Prioritize your priorities.


Key Resources:
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Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset