105: What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? It’s Never Too Late To Find Your Dream Job

I’m Genecia Alluora the author of two best-selling books; Make it happen and Personal branding secrets. Former Ms. Singapore, international Cafe Retail chain owner. Southeast Asia Woman of excellence 2010 and International Progressive Woman 2019. I am also the founder of Soul Rich Woman.

Today in this episode, I wanna talk about what you want to be when you grow up, and it’s never too late to find your dream job. 

Everyone loves to ask our children that question. Mainly because they will say very interesting things, like a doctor, astronaut, maybe a ballerina, a veterinarian. Of course, children aren’t so bothered by the fact that they’ll one day need a job that pays the bills or need to have skills that will pay the bills or care about making sensible decisions and choices. They just want to do what makes them happy. 

What was your burning desire as a child? 

(3:16-3:31) Most people have a secret dream of what they want to be and to do with their lives. Some are already living it - either as a career or as a hobby. Other’s are too scared to even articulate what they want. 

How do you discover your dream job or your purpose in life?

(3:39-3:47) Look for clues. Now, finding your ideal job or purpose is really obvious when you connect the dots when you look back.

(3:54-4:14) It’s really been a dream for a really long time, or it just fits perfectly with your innate skills and talents. People who find their passion in life say that “Everything just came together.” or “All of my experiences in life has led me to this.” 

(4:23-4:27) Clues can be found in childhood as well.

(4:53-5:08) If you have no idea but you know for sure that you’re not doing it because anything about what I’m doing now isn’t specific enough for the universe to manifest the right opportunities, people, and resources to help you along the way.

(5:15-5:50) First, “What do you love to do?”. Two, “What have you always dreamt about doing with your life?”. Three, “What do other people tell you that you are fantastic and fabulous at?”. Number 4, “What dream courses do you think about taking all the time?”. Number 5, “If you didn’t have to worry about taking a pay cut, what about other people thought about you doing with your life? What would you do?”.

(5:56-6:04) These are the questions sometimes I ask and talk about on my lectures as well as in my coaching with my clients.  

(6:05-6:42) So I would say take the first steps and do it afraid anyway because once you have an inkling and idea of your passion like a light bulb of AHA moments, then you can take some steps towards changing your career or living in your purpose. For example, volunteering, shadowing someone in your chosen field, being an apprentice of Soul Rich Woman, taking it on a side hobby, or completing a course like a Soul Rich Woman Blueprint to get new qualifications. It doesn’t matter how old or young are you- time is gonna pass by anyway.

(7:13-7:14) Life is really short.

(7:17-7:18) You only live once. 

(8:28-8:51) So I would say, make the change. I know that making drastic changes can be scary, I get it. But it’s also liberating. Quitting a horrible job is awesome. Applying for your new dream job is a great step in the right direction, but you have to do something. Otherwise,  you’ll stay exactly where you are now.

(8:53-9:45) And if you can’t afford to make the change, then start to plan how you could ease into a new career without completely derailing your life or cause yourself so much stress. Put aside a bit of money for your program, start changing your spending habits now to anticipate a drop in income, or spare some time outside your current job to move towards your dreams- #Sidehustle. Now, you might be working late nights and weekends for a while, but I guaranty, it will pay off eventually and you will enjoy because it will be entirely for you. Remember this is about you. It’s never about me. You investing in yourself is not gonna change my life one bit.

(9:55-10:02) Even just indulging in your passion as a hobby that will make big changes in your life, do it.

What are you doing or going to do to make a change in your life?

(10:52-11:04) My answer to you? OWN IT. As you make the transition into your new life you have to start seeing yourself in a new way before other people will. 

(11:38-11:41) What you say becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

(12:45-12:54) Now, if you feel uncomfortable telling people your dream, then get out there and get some experience. Everyone has to start somewhere.

(12:59-3:10) Don’t be embarrassed, okay, if you have to start at the bottom. And sometimes with purpose and passion fueling you? You won’t be there for long.

(13:32-14:07) When you grow outside of your limitations, fears, and self-doubts. When you grow out of the need of needing other people’s approval. When you grow out of living up to the expectations of others. When you grow out of those neigh slayers and dream slayers giving you co-blanket. When you finally give yourself permission to dream and be happy. I love to hear about how you’re making your dream a reality one step at a time.

Key takeaways:

My passion is important.Own it.Life is really short.You only live once. Everyone has to start somewhere.

Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/

Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset