This episode explores the life path and journey of a registrar- beyond the individual career changes- to learn more about what has inspired these changes, and upon a lived life thus far.  We take time today to reflect, pause, process, and learn.  Scott has spent 47 years working in higher education, including positions in development, admissions, financial aid, records, and registration, and institutional research at three institutions. He has presented at “early adopter” technology sessions for 30 years, with recent sessions on developing positive working relationships and updating business processes.  Scott is an honorary member of AACRAO, AACRAO’s highest honor. Honorary Membership is awarded to retired or retiring members in recognition of a career of active involvement and contribution to AACRAO.

Key Takeaways:

Work/Life integration is a way to think about incorporating the different realms in one’s life into a cohesive whole rather than framing work/life balance as a push/pull tension.Transitions in your work life will happen and continue to happen. Be open to change, be open to learning, take the time to cultivate meaningful relationships wherever you are. Understand how to “count the cost” of the commitments you make at work–ideally before you make them, to ensure that you have the capacity to do well all of the things you agree to do. 


Sarah Reed, University Registrar
University of California - Berkeley
[email protected]  


Scott Dittman
Consultant and Retired University Registrar
[email protected] 

References and Additional Information:
Video Link: The Power of Not Reacting by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry 

Chris Porteous, "Work-Life Integration vs Work-Life Balance: Is One Better Than the Other?",, March 8, 2023.

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