Dr Rosie Oakes is an international climate services scientist with the Met Office, where she focuses on making the outputs from climate models understandable and accessible to people around the world, so they can be used to help them make climate informed decisions. She also happens to be incredibly funny and talented and brings geology to life. Aisling and Gemma agree they will never look at a rock the same again!

Rosie started her journey as a geologist and she loves rocks. She shares with us some very interesting facts about Edinburgh in this episode that you are definitely going to want to know too.

In this episode as well as chatting about Rosie's role at the Met Office, we also chat about paleoclimate, which is where we look at how the climate has changed in the past so that we can better understand what might happen to the climate in the future. Rosie also shares some ways in which we can help to reduce our impact on the climate.

We loved chatting to Rosie in this episode and learnt loads, and have seen gone away to find out more about the fascinating world of paleoclimate.

If you would like to check out some of Rosie's work, you can find her on twitter @DrRosieOakes and @drrosieoakes on Instagram.

If you would like to follow us on Twitter or Instagram here are our details: Instagram: FortheloveofweatherTwitter:4loveofweather.Thanks so much for listening and supporting the podcast.

Here are the links to some of the topics mentioned in the episode.

-The geologic history of Edinburgh: https://t.co/9JAhLAXicQ.

-Learning about the Earth’s history from ocean sediment.

-The drill ship website is here: https://t.co/lN8iP5ohfi and they’re currently on an expedition. Follow them @TheJR -Learn about the Chixulub drilling expedition (drilling in the crater of the asteroid that killed the dinos): https://t.co/6hcQt5zf5S

-If you generally love paleoclimate and want to learn more check out the time scavengers website: https://t.co/L6li95MqG3

-At Rosie's dream dinner party you’d meet Mary Anning https://t.co/E2pTADrJ9Vand Marie Tharp https://t.co/1xORQQJaEu