Welcome back to the podcast. This is season five’s final episode which may or may not be two months late, but what are deadlines if not social constructs that we build to plan and schedule our lives around? And sometimes, life blows the fuck up and you roll with the chaos and see where it takes you.

Mason went from pro-climbing to no-climbing after a slow descent into the depths of his illness. In 2018, he was diagnosed with ME/CFS—a complex, debilitating, long-term medical condition.

Living with invisible illness is a high-density experience. There are no breaks or days off. It’s not like being on a big wall where you could bail or get to the top and have it be over. Mason learned on the proverbial “other side” that in climbing, you could never have the intensity of experiences you could with prolonged circumstances like being sick.

You are deep in the shit, and that comes with a lot of big, often ugly, emotions. Maybe one of the hardest parts of this condition is knowing that remission isn’t guaranteed. Healing from an incurable illness is exactly as unglamorous as it sounds, but Mason’s Come Back Tour proceeds as scheduled.

For the Love of Climbing is presented by Patagonia. Additional support is from Deuter USA, Allez Outdoors, and Ocún.

Music is by Chad Crouch. Additional music is licensed by Music Bed.

Read the transcript here.

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