Like the combustion engine, the telephone, and the Internet before it, blockchain has the potential to transform how human society functions. What would such a transformation look like in the food industry?

In this episode, we talk with Blockchain theorist Melanie Swan about what is possible. We explore:

What 'Blockchain' is
How Blockchain is transforming Big Food businesses redefining operational efficiency and the transparency of supply chains
How Blockchain can empower consumers Farm-to-fork transparency: instant verification of where your food comes from Holding Big Food accountable through real-time financial interest tracking of the businesses supplying your food Ensuring end-user data ownership
How Blockchain optimises the sharing economy Community coins: local currencies enabling a peer-based local economy for sharing resources ‘The Uber for microgreens’: real-time on-demand peer sharing of overproduced local products with your neighbours How Blockchain can help in the fight against world hunger, malnutrition, and food waste



The Institute for Blockchain Studies Broader Perspective - Melanie Swan's blog Forbes - 'IBM Forges Blockchain Collaboration with Nestlé and Walmart in Global Food Safety'  Banking on Bitcoin - Netflix Documentary


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