This week, I discuss my thoughts on tackling food waste together with Merit 360. Merit 360 is a year-long World merit program bringing 360 young individuals together to develop a set of action plans to help tackle the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

I share my views on SDG #12 : Responsible Consumption and Production. More specifically, how do we tackle crippling global food waste and food losses and how can we incentivise lasting sustainable consumption habits?

The episode also touches upon :

The current famine crisis in East Africa affecting up to 20 million people

My visit to Mozambique and the local solutions I found addressing local food problems

My ideas of how we can move forward to address some of these issues


This episode is part of For Food’s Sake’s Learn By Doing project in which we practice what we preach in sustainability by taking action on concrete issues.



Red Cross East Africa crisis appeal World Vision East Africa appeal Support my Fundraising page for Merit 360


Aline Okello - mobile software supporting farmers to combat climate change

The Guardian - ‘App for all seasons could dampen effects of climate change in Mozambique


On large-scale agricultural projects in Africa

FoodTank ‘What Value are value chains for Small-scale farmers in East Africa’?


Debating pros and cons of the Cerrado Savannah agricultural transformation in Brazil

The Economist - ‘The miracle of the Cerrado’ boosting Brazil’s agricultural economy WWF - How the Cerrado’s unique biodiversity and vital ecosystem is threatened by Soybean production Scientific American - 'Hunger for Meat Plows up Brazil’s Cerrado Plains'