This week we conclude our series on Qui-Gon Jinn and Prophecy in Claudia Gray's Master & Apprentice by examining his turn to a more literal interpretation of prophecy. I look at it from an in-universe perspective and discuss the Scriptural and Theological basis for this turn in Christian tradition. It gets at the origins of this podcast: a Virgin-born Promised One who restores the Cosmic Order by coming back from the pit of death.

The pull list highlights a pair of SW-connected indie comics, Charles Soule's and Scott Snyder's Undiscovered Country and George Mann's Engineward. I also give my fresh-out-of-the-oven thoughts on the High Republic panel from NYCC Metaverse that aired earlier today. You can watch that panel, which did literally nothing to assuage my excitement for this new era of SW stories, right here.

Thanks for listening, and MTFBWY.

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