As promised, we've come to the Halin Azucca episode! And again, let's all agree: she's the real prophet here. And her witness is a timely reminder in light of the competing narratives around protest that have erupted in the last year. Like Azucca and her performance art protest group, 93% of these protests have been peaceful. This despite the fact that 100% of actions they're protesting have been violent instances of police brutality, institutional discrimination, verbal slurs and other examples of ingrained racism. Or in Azucca's case, the despicable slavery and stranglehold that the Czerka Corporation has on the Pijal system, including Azucca's beloved but disenfranchised moon.  Just this week, the latest real-world example came to the fore when the murderers of Breonna Taylor got off scot-free. 

This is one of those episodes where I "go for it" politically, while also exploring why some folks don't see protest in the same prophetic light, but instead fear its capacity for destabilization. Either way, I aim to end on a hopeful note as I tee up next week's conclusion to this commentary series.

Thanks for listening, and MTFBWY

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