Episode 51 of the Football Fitness Federation podcast is with the Head of Fitness & Conditioning at MK Dons Matt Willmott.

Matt spoke about;
-The biggest differences between working in the Premier League and the Football League
-Speed Exposure
-The return to play process
-Key considerations when getting a player back up to speed

& much more!

You can follow Matt on twitter @MWillmott90

We have 2 upcoming networking events in November.

Middlesbrough FC Training Ground
Date - Wed 13th Nov
Time - 6-9pm
Speaker - Jonny Madden (Head of Academy Fitness & Conditioning at Middlesbrough FC)

Celtic Park
Date - Tues 19th Nov
Time - 6-9pm
Speakers - Jack Nayler (1st Team Sport Scientist Celtic FC) & Oliver Morgan (Academy Sport Scientist Celtic FC)

Get your ticket by visiting https://www.footballfitfed.com/shop/

Keep up to date with everything that's going on at Football Fitness Federation by following us:

Twitter - @FootballFitFed
Instagram - @FootballFitFed
Website - www.footballfitfed.com
Email - [email protected]