Dear Saints,

Greetings in the sweetest name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are very much grateful for your prayers. The Lord has been good and has been leading us day by day. 

As I had mentioned in my previous mail about Pastor Ashok and two brothers who had been arrested, they were in prison for two weeks. The authorities were trying their level best to prevent them from released on bail, but we praise God, the three are out on bail, the next court hearing is on the 7th of June. They had been beaten very badly. Pray for the saints in the area where they were persecuted, that they may stand strong in the faith. 

Last month one of the Elders Bro. Ram Chander, who was ministering in Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh died in an accident. He was 57 years old, He was returning from the  ministry in a village with other servants of God, when the auto in which they were travelling lost control and overturned. Pray for the comfort of his family.

I am writing this mail from Seattle Airport. I came to the US on the 25th of Feb. It was a privilege for me to travel to various places and minister the word. i am grateful for all your prayers. Lot of travelling had to be done in bad weather, But the Lord granted me the grace to go to the following places.

Norwalk - Connecticut
Columbus - Ohio
London - Ontario - Canada
Indianapolis - Indiana
Atlanta - Georgia
Lock port - Louisiana
Houma - Louisiana
Thibodeaux - Louisiana 
Nixon - Texas
Pipe Creek - Texas
Gonzales - Texas

I request you to pray for the saints in these places, where the seed has been sown. Wherever I went I could see the great hunger in the hearts of the people for the Word. Pray for the nation of United States which is turning into a Sodom and Gomorrah. Pray that the Lord may grant His grace to his children to stand strong for their faith. This nation has helped the mission work so much. This is pay back time, pray that God may send more missionaries to this nation. Lot of work is there to be done in this nation. When I was entering the US, the immigration officer told me that if I do missions here, I will be deported. That is how things are changing in this nation. 

I am very much grateful for all the saints who opened their houses for me to stay and the hospitality they showed, I do not have anything to give in return. But be assured we will be backing you up with prayers. May the Lord strengthen you all to march on. United States is for Jesus. Let us not get discouraged. Our Lord is Sovereign  He is at work. Let us do what we are supposed to do, and God will do what He is supposed to do. He has said, "I will build my Church, the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." Let the devil try his level best. The work of the building of the Church is going on. Let us come closer to Him who loves us so much, leave the rest in His hands. 

In a short while from now, I am returning back to Vancouver, Canada. I am leaving this nation with prayers and with a grateful heart, thanking God for giving me one more opportunity to come and minister. I need your prayers as I travel around the world. Pray that I may come back to the US in His time.

I need your prayers for the ministry in Canada. On the 11th I am leaving for Calgary, its around 950 km drive from Vancouver  Pray for the ministry there. From 15th - 21st I will be back in Vancouver, and God be willing I will be returning back to India on the 22nd of this month. 

Continue to pray for the work back in India, Philippines, China, Thailand, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Our annual convention in Punjab is fast approaching. Pray that the Spirit of God may move in a mighty way. If anyone of you is interested to attend the convention you are welcome, come join us for one week of spiritual feast in the presence of the almighty, together with thousands of saints from different parts of the world. It will be a life changing experience  when we all stay in one place, worshiping together the almighty, and studying the word in His presence, cooking food together, knowing each other, there are no registration charges. You have to take care of your travel expense. food and accommodation is free. All are welcome. 

Thank you once again for your prayers. may God bless you all

Yours in His service

Mathew Samuel