Previous Episode: March News-2013
Next Episode: AUGUST NEWS

Dear Saints,

Greetings in the sweetest Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am very much grateful for all your prayers and support. God gave me the grace to reach Canada on the 1st of Feb. 2013, and God be willing in a few hours I am returning back to India from Vancouver

After my return to Canada from the US on the 10th of this month it was a very busy schedule here in Vancouver (B.C) and Calgary (Alberta). God gave us the grace to travel to Calgary by road it was a 12 hour drive, and to minister to the saints over there. I request you all the uphold them in your prayers. The ministry was a great blessing in Vancouver also.

This whole North American trip was a long one, but the Lord was good, I had a lot of travelling to do, by train, bus and Air Plane. even in adverse climates. But His grace was enough. Though I am physically tired after a busy schedule, but I rejoice in the  privilege He gave me to come with the Word. The coming of our Lord is very near, let us all get ready.

From Vancouver God gave me the grace to teach the word through teleconference  to the saints in the different parts of the US on two occasions. I request your prayers for the seeds that have been sown may they bring forth a hundred fold fruit. I request your prayers for these nations, may the glory of God be revealed. May the bride in this part of the world prepare herself for the coming of the Bridegroom. God is doing His work. 

Some of the messages that were preached in Canada and US have been uploaded on the You Tube you can hear them by going to my You Tube page - finnney samuel. 

As I return back to India, the body is tired, but I rejoice in the Lord for the privilege He gave me to come and teach the word. I am very grateful for all your prayers. Pray that if the coming of our Lord tarries, I can come back in God's time only. May His will be done. Let us all fulfill the will of God through our lives. Please continue to uphold the ministry back in India and other parts of the world in your prayers. In the coming months it is a busy schedule in India, Philippines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal and God be willing we are planning to visit the saints in China. We request your prayers. I will keep you updated about the ministry. 

Once again I thank you all for your prayers. May the Lord bless you and guide each one of us. Let us all be faithful and march on. 

May God bless you

Yours in His service

Mathew Samuel