Shane Sanders, who is the head chef at the Warren Village and founder of Bake the World a Better Place, had personal problems that led him to a different path in life. He had been in the restaurant and baking industry since he was 15 years old where he even went to college to improve on his skills. Just like every graduate, he’d expected to land an amazing job right after college. This dream didn’t quite happen.

‘’When I was in bakery school, I didn’t want to just get out and start a bakery but I wanted that bakery to be able to make more of a change than just making my town happy. I wanted to be able to make a difference in the world with food.’’

His salary couldn’t sustain his lifestyle to the point he was unable to pay rent and he ended up in the streets for 3 solid years. Those years were really tough on him and when he finally landed a job, he thought of creating a program where he could train people on getting jobs in his industry. We discuss his journey since after college and how he’s now helping people get off the streets, and how you can help too. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL FIND OUT ABOUT:

Shane’s background and what inspired him to start a non-for profit. How he was able to get out of the homeless situation. Ways the restaurant and food industry can help employ homeless, qualified people. Shane’s baking background. The journey to becoming a head chef at Warren Village. How people can get involved with the program. Amount of time it takes for people to go through the classes and get a job. The amazingly positive reception from restaurants.

  LINKS MENTIONED LinkedIn: Shane Sanders Website: Bake the World a Better Place

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