Paul Hellier, founder of Fair Food Forager, and Jamie Lepre, founder of Environment To Be are on a mission to travel responsibly. They’re fighting against the use of plastic and this has been quite a challenging task to beat especially when traveling. They started their bicycle ride on June 16th, 2018, and are heading to Bangkok from Hanoi. During this trip, they were able to change the minds of some local vendors as well as tourists in using plastic. Pollution is excessively becoming a threat to almost if not all species and it is our duty to protect the earth. Paul and Jamie are finding other means to function without plastic and you can join them too.

Any little action, celebrating any little win, any conversation, speaking up before you get a chance to be given a straw, is all creating some sort of change whether it's with the vendor or it’s someone standing behind you in the line. We should all realize we’ve got a deeper impact.


Challenges Paul and Jamie have faced being plastic free while traveling. The restaurants' dilemma. The immense support they're getting from friends. Sad affair where monkeys are feeding off from plastic. Sacrifices the two have had to make. The importance of being a conscious traveler. How you can make plastic unsexy. The man making AUD 2000 from recycling plastic bags. Favorite stories they have from different groups. The company that changes plastic to floor tiles and many other different products. Paul’s and Jamie’s future plan. How you can join and get involved in this beautiful cause.

  MENTIONED LINKS Rehash Trash FOOD HEROES PODCAST EP. 001 Paul Hellier from Fair Food Forager: Making ethical eating easy  

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