If you have a burning desire to do something different, to leave the grind and wake up feeling passionate about your work, we’ve got just the thing. This episode brings together five powerful lady entrepreneurs who will rock your world.
What do these five gorgeous women have in common? They shunned the traditional 9 to 5 in favor of following their own path and creating a business around serving others.
Because let’s face it. You can eat all the kale you want, but if you’re waking up every morning dreading the commute into a depressing office and a job that doesn’t fulfil you, then you can’t be truly healthy. Because total wellness is about eating well AND living your truth. It’s all connected.
Spiritual Boss Babe Leslie Durso
From a very young age, Leslie knew her purpose: to guide and inspire people to live healthier, happier lives, and help them find their smile. She’s a vegan chef, influencer, author, and runs beautiful retreats all over the world.
She truly is following her dreams.
Her number one tip: you have to just keep walking through the fire. One step after the other, just keep going and keep taking steps, however small, towards your goals. That journey begins with the inner work.
After all, your business is who you are in the world. What you put out in your day-to-day will eventually show up in your business. So, who do you want to be? What do you want to create for yourself, and for the world?
Of course, money is part of this journey, but it can’t be the ultimate goal. It’s more like the result of the goal (the goal being to do something you are passionate about). If you make money the goal, you’ll just keep chasing it. You need to chase the goal.
What fills your thoughts, fills your life. The things that you think about the most are the things that happen. Worry is a prayer to chaos. If you keep thinking how crap it is to be single, you’re going to be single. If you keep thinking how much you hate your job, you’re just attracting more of the same. So banish those unhelpful thoughts of self-doubt and fear.
Make a moral handbook for yourself: what do you want for your life? Do you want to help people? Do you want a simple life? Do you want to be by the sea? Do you want to open a retreat? Whatever your dream, visualize it and make it happen!
Leslie’s key takeaway: just be passionate about what you’re doing every single day. Make decisions that bring joy into your life and live with a smile.
Spiritual Boss Babe Danielle Mercurio
Danielle Mercurio is a high vibe speaker, comedian and life coach. What does it mean to be a spiritual boss babe? Power… but not in a bad way like corporate power or greed. No, we’re talking universal power here. The personal power of knowing that there is a force within you that makes you unstoppable. That power happens when you blend your spirituality with your work. When you trust the Universe, the Universe conspires to make it happen.
Danielle’s tips to become an unstoppable boss babe:
Be really clear about what you want to be in business (it will evolve, but you need to get into that space where you know what you want).
Get your spiritual tools in place. Kundalini is Danielle’s personal favorite, but you can find one that works for you.
Merge your business plan and your spiritual practice.
Be open to how the Universe responds - it might have bigger plans for you.
Spiritual Boss Babe Whitney Lauritsen
Whitney Lauritsen is one of our favorite spiritual boss babes. She left her 9 to 5 in 2008 to create Eco Vegan Gal and now, Creative Wellth. She’s been coaching other people to be amazing at social media. Her big mission is to help people eliminate suffering - whether the suffering comes from health or money or emotions.
Whitney’s tips to get centered in a positive space:
Notice and acknowledge your progress, however small - be grateful for your achievements.
Don’t just write your gratitude list, speak it!
Surround yourself with beautiful things - crystals, essential oils, plants.
Listen to your body and show it some love - supplements, probiotics, organic food…
Here are some of the takeaways from Whitney’s new talk, Radical Social Media Strategies to Increase the Power and Profit of Your Brand:
Meditate and tune into yourself (you don’t have to sit cross-legged - you can meditate in the shower or anywhere. Just move the focus of your energy from your head to your heart).
The bottom line is mindset: shake off the negative thoughts that hold you back and trust in your worth.
Believe in manifestation. It works!
Shed those layers - give yourself permission to let go of all those limiting beliefs, ego, fear, self-doubt, so you can step into your power and your purpose.
Spiritual Boss Babe Lynne Taggart
Spiritual success and mindset coach Lynne Taggart helps powerhouse women step out of the hustle and into the flow.
These are some of her best practices to tune into your greatness:
Create space for spiritual practice (early morning is best).
Change your mindset around your spiritual work. Do it because it honors your soul, brings you joy and empowers you - don’t see it as a chore.
Intuitive writing - take time to breathe and connect with your inner being. Ask the Universe a question and allow your pen to move across the page. It’s mind-blowing what comes up.
Be appreciative for things that you’ve not yet created - this begins the co-creation process with the Universe. When you write in the present, you will make it happen (very quickly!).
Tap into the transformational power of the Universe.
Spiritual Boss Babe Amanda Frances
Amanda Frances is a spiritual bad-ass boss babe, and fellow spirit junkie. She’s also a self-made multi-millionaire and soulful business guru to spiritual entrepreneurs all over the world. She takes a no-nonsense approach to living a life of purpose.
She was just the girl who wanted to do something cool with her life. She wanted to help people and make money. But the regular ways just didn’t do it for her.
Having tried all other avenues, Amanda decided to do an experiment. She was only going to do what felt good. She believes that if you desire it, that’s the Universe sending you a message. And it’s your responsibility to just do it. By playing small, you’re not helping those who need you the most. So, take a look at your life, see what you’ve learned and how your experiences can help others.
Amanda’s mission is to empower people to design lives that they are wildly obsessed with. She creates online courses that propel women into entrepreneurship - everything from branding to money mindset to course creation and more. We LOVE her branding - seriously, check out her website.
When Amanda found Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass, she felt like here was this woman living her truth and giving Amanda permission to live her own truth. Powerful stuff. And she’s never looked back. If you’re thinking about taking the masterclass, just follow your heart.
Amanda’s tips for stepping into your entrepreneurial, successful self:
Become unavailable for “hard” - stop thinking you need to work hard to make it.
Change your thinking around money. Go through every single thought you’ve had about money - when your mum didn’t buy you those shoes, what your dad said about making an income, that time the guy didn’t pay for dinner, whatever comes up - and how those thoughts make you feel. And then read through them and think “What if these aren’t true?” Realize that there is another way to see this.
Be aware that your internal world will spill out into your external world - that’s why you’ve got to do the inner work.
Realize how powerful you are. You have the power to get anything you want. You just have to believe it.
If you’re ready to change your mindset around money and attract abundance into your life, then check out Amanda’s free Boss Lady Meditations. You can also get on the waiting list for her Money Mentality Makeover - even if you don’t sign up, you’ll get a ton of free content that will help you do the inner work so you can attract more abundance.
And if you’re ready to step into your truth and be a spiritual boss babe, then check out Gabby Bernstein’s latest video. You really don’t want to miss this special invitation.
Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Digital Masterclass will give you all the tools you need to gain the confidence you need to own your purpose, take spiritually aligned action, and create massive transformations in your career and your life. You will:
Get concrete advice on how to craft the career you want — from some of Gabby’s most trusted experts in spirituality and personal growth!
Get detailed, step-by-step guides on how to turn your blog into a business, publish a book, lead groups, create digital courses and more!
Experience a unique combination of deep-dive spiritual practices and practical business tools that create massive transformations for you and your career.
Feel the incredible energy of a live event. Unlike most online courses, the Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital Course is filmed live in HD for ultra-crisp, beautifully produced video and audio. You’ll be catapulted right into the room!
Deepen your own spiritual practice.
Have the freedom of a flexible, 100% online program. Take it anywhere, anytime! Learn in the way that’s best for you with video, audio, transcripts and worksheets.
Get lifetime access so you can return to the material and learn at your own pace. PLUS, new content is added regularly!
Join an amazing community of Spirit Junkies to connect with in a private Facebook page. You don’t have to feel alone! This tight-knit, supportive and inspiring network will be invaluable to your life, your spiritual practice and your career for years to come.
Always have support as you go through the program, plus opportunities to ask questions and access an awesome Q&A archive!
And… drumroll please… when you sign up you’re also going to get not one, but TWO sets of amazing bonuses.
First, the Spirit Junkie Digital Masterclass comes with bonuses worth over $3500 including two LIVE online trainings with Gabby. Click here for the details.
Second, we’ve got 5 gorgeous bonuses to help you build your business faster and get closer to living your dreams!
You’ll get access to:
The Podcast Secrets Course - Tips, Tricks and Secrets on Finding Monetary and Marketing Success as a Podcaster - Taught by Allison Melody

Powerful Manifestation Mediations - Six Key Meditations to Helping Your Body Heal and Love Itself To The Fullest - Recorded by Suzy Hardy

A One-on-One Coaching Call with Best-Selling Author and Founder of Copy that Pops, Laura Petersen

Never-heard-before VIP Food Heals podcasts (no other way to get these!)
Creative Wellth Digital Course With Eco-Vegan Gal Whitney Lauritsen

And a Gorgeous Lulu Lemon Swag Bag delivered right to your door - packed full of our favorite vegan, natural health & beauty products
Click here to get more information on the Spirit Junkie Digital Masterclass and all the bonuses!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

If you have a burning desire to do something different, to leave the grind and wake up feeling passionate about your work, we’ve got just the thing. This episode brings together five powerful lady entrepreneurs who will rock your world.


What do these five gorgeous women have in common? They shunned the traditional 9 to 5 in favor of following their own path and creating a business around serving others.


Because let’s face it. You can eat all the kale you want, but if you’re waking up every morning dreading the commute into a depressing office and a job that doesn’t fulfil you, then you can’t be truly healthy. Because total wellness is about eating well AND living your truth. It’s all connected.


Spiritual Boss Babe Leslie Durso

From a very young age, Leslie knew her purpose: to guide and inspire people to live healthier, happier lives, and help them find their smile. She’s a vegan chef, influencer, author, and runs beautiful retreats all over the world.


She truly is following her dreams.


Her number one tip: you have to just keep walking through the fire. One step after the other, just keep going and keep taking steps, however small, towards your goals. That journey begins with the inner work.


After all, your business is who you are in the world. What you put out in your day-to-day will eventually show up in your business. So, who do you want to be? What do you want to create for yourself, and for the world?


Of course, money is part of this journey, but it can’t be the ultimate goal. It’s more like the result of the goal (the goal being to do something you are passionate about). If you make money the goal, you’ll just keep chasing it. You need to chase the goal.


What fills your thoughts, fills your life. The things that you think about the most are the things that happen. Worry is a prayer to chaos. If you keep thinking how crap it is to be single, you’re going to be single. If you keep thinking how much you hate your job, you’re just attracting more of the same. So banish those unhelpful thoughts of self-doubt and fear.


Make a moral handbook for yourself: what do you want for your life? Do you want to help people? Do you want a simple life? Do you want to be by the sea? Do you want to open a retreat? Whatever your dream, visualize it and make it happen!


Leslie’s key takeaway: just be passionate about what you’re doing every single day. Make decisions that bring joy into your life and live with a smile.


Spiritual Boss Babe Danielle Mercurio

Danielle Mercurio is a high vibe speaker, comedian and life coach. What does it mean to be a spiritual boss babe? Power… but not in a bad way like corporate power or greed. No, we’re talking universal power here. The personal power of knowing that there is a force within you that makes you unstoppable. That power happens when you blend your spirituality with your work. When you trust the Universe, the Universe conspires to make it happen.


Danielle’s tips to become an unstoppable boss babe:

Be really clear about what you want to be in business (it will evolve, but you need to get into that space where you know what you want). Get your spiritual tools in place. Kundalini is Danielle’s personal favorite, but you can find one that works for you. Merge your business plan and your spiritual practice. Be open to how the Universe responds - it might have bigger plans for you.



Spiritual Boss Babe Whitney Lauritsen

Whitney Lauritsen is one of our favorite spiritual boss babes. She left her 9 to 5 in 2008 to create Eco Vegan Gal and now, Creative Wellth. She’s been coaching other people to be amazing at social media. Her big mission is to help people eliminate suffering - whether the suffering comes from health or money or emotions.


Whitney’s tips to get centered in a positive space:

Notice and acknowledge your progress, however small - be grateful for your achievements. Don’t just write your gratitude list, speak it! Surround yourself with beautiful things - crystals, essential oils, plants. Listen to your body and show it some love - supplements, probiotics, organic food…


Here are some of the takeaways from Whitney’s new talk, Radical Social Media Strategies to Increase the Power and Profit of Your Brand:

Meditate and tune into yourself (you don’t have to sit cross-legged - you can meditate in the shower or anywhere. Just move the focus of your energy from your head to your heart). The bottom line is mindset: shake off the negative thoughts that hold you back and trust in your worth. Believe in manifestation. It works! Shed those layers - give yourself permission to let go of all those limiting beliefs, ego, fear, self-doubt, so you can step into your power and your purpose.



Spiritual Boss Babe Lynne Taggart

Spiritual success and mindset coach Lynne Taggart helps powerhouse women step out of the hustle and into the flow.


These are some of her best practices to tune into your greatness:

Create space for spiritual practice (early morning is best). Change your mindset around your spiritual work. Do it because it honors your soul, brings you joy and empowers you - don’t see it as a chore. Intuitive writing - take time to breathe and connect with your inner being. Ask the Universe a question and allow your pen to move across the page. It’s mind-blowing what comes up. Be appreciative for things that you’ve not yet created - this begins the co-creation process with the Universe. When you write in the present, you will make it happen (very quickly!). Tap into the transformational power of the Universe.



Spiritual Boss Babe Amanda Frances

Amanda Frances is a spiritual bad-ass boss babe, and fellow spirit junkie. She’s also a self-made multi-millionaire and soulful business guru to spiritual entrepreneurs all over the world. She takes a no-nonsense approach to living a life of purpose.


She was just the girl who wanted to do something cool with her life. She wanted to help people and make money. But the regular ways just didn’t do it for her.


Having tried all other avenues, Amanda decided to do an experiment. She was only going to do what felt good. She believes that if you desire it, that’s the Universe sending you a message. And it’s your responsibility to just do it. By playing small, you’re not helping those who need you the most. So, take a look at your life, see what you’ve learned and how your experiences can help others.


Amanda’s mission is to empower people to design lives that they are wildly obsessed with. She creates online courses that propel women into entrepreneurship - everything from branding to money mindset to course creation and more. We LOVE her branding - seriously, check out her website.


When Amanda found Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Masterclass, she felt like here was this woman living her truth and giving Amanda permission to live her own truth. Powerful stuff. And she’s never looked back. If you’re thinking about taking the masterclass, just follow your heart.


Amanda’s tips for stepping into your entrepreneurial, successful self:

Become unavailable for “hard” - stop thinking you need to work hard to make it. Change your thinking around money. Go through every single thought you’ve had about money - when your mum didn’t buy you those shoes, what your dad said about making an income, that time the guy didn’t pay for dinner, whatever comes up - and how those thoughts make you feel. And then read through them and think “What if these aren’t true?” Realize that there is another way to see this. Be aware that your internal world will spill out into your external world - that’s why you’ve got to do the inner work. Realize how powerful you are. You have the power to get anything you want. You just have to believe it.


If you’re ready to change your mindset around money and attract abundance into your life, then check out Amanda’s free Boss Lady Meditations. You can also get on the waiting list for her Money Mentality Makeover - even if you don’t sign up, you’ll get a ton of free content that will help you do the inner work so you can attract more abundance.



And if you’re ready to step into your truth and be a spiritual boss babe, then check out Gabby Bernstein’s latest video. You really don’t want to miss this special invitation.


Gabby Bernstein’s Spirit Junkie Digital Masterclass will give you all the tools you need to gain the confidence you need to own your purpose, take spiritually aligned action, and create massive transformations in your career and your life. You will:


Get concrete advice on how to craft the career you want — from some of Gabby’s most trusted experts in spirituality and personal growth! Get detailed, step-by-step guides on how to turn your blog into a business, publish a book, lead groups, create digital courses and more! Experience a unique combination of deep-dive spiritual practices and practical business tools that create massive transformations for you and your career. Feel the incredible energy of a live event. Unlike most online courses, the Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital Course is filmed live in HD for ultra-crisp, beautifully produced video and audio. You’ll be catapulted right into the room! Deepen your own spiritual practice. Have the freedom of a flexible, 100% online program. Take it anywhere, anytime! Learn in the way that’s best for you with video, audio, transcripts and worksheets. Get lifetime access so you can return to the material and learn at your own pace. PLUS, new content is added regularly! Join an amazing community of Spirit Junkies to connect with in a private Facebook page. You don’t have to feel alone! This tight-knit, supportive and inspiring network will be invaluable to your life, your spiritual practice and your career for years to come. Always have support as you go through the program, plus opportunities to ask questions and access an awesome Q&A archive!


And… drumroll please… when you sign up you’re also going to get not one, but TWO sets of amazing bonuses.


First, the Spirit Junkie Digital Masterclass comes with bonuses worth over $3500 including two LIVE online trainings with Gabby. Click here for the details.


Second, we’ve got 5 gorgeous bonuses to help you build your business faster and get closer to living your dreams!


You’ll get access to:

The Podcast Secrets Course - Tips, Tricks and Secrets on Finding Monetary and Marketing Success as a Podcaster - Taught by Allison Melody
Powerful Manifestation Mediations - Six Key Meditations to Helping Your Body Heal and Love Itself To The Fullest - Recorded by Suzy Hardy
A One-on-One Coaching Call with Best-Selling Author and Founder of Copy that Pops, Laura Petersen
Never-heard-before VIP Food Heals podcasts (no other way to get these!) Creative Wellth Digital Course With Eco-Vegan Gal Whitney Lauritsen
And a Gorgeous Lulu Lemon Swag Bag delivered right to your door - packed full of our favorite vegan, natural health & beauty products


Click here to get more information on the Spirit Junkie Digital Masterclass and all the bonuses!

Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices