Susannah Juteau, MSc, CLT, RD, is a registered dietitian who specializes in headache and migraine nutrition for women. She has a bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience and a Master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics from McGill.

Somewhat ironically, her study of the brain seems to have foreshadowed her own health challenges, which resulted in a 10-hour brain surgery to remove a benign tumor the size of a ping pong ball.

Post-surgery she struggled for years with her mindset, energy levels, and chronic debilitating headaches. After giving up on conventional migraine management recommendations, she created her own program. She removed her personal food sensitivities, brought down inflammation, and incorporated therapeutic fasting. By sixteen weeks in, she was off her meds completely and has had ZERO migraine attacks following this protocol.

She now helps others unlock their personal food code to prevent migraine attacks for good.

In this episode, Susannah Juteau discusses nutrition approaches for chronic headache relief.

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