Positive food experiences don’t just happen. They result from hard work and persistence. People from all walks of life can create positive food experiences.

In the case of blended families, there is a definitive merging of food traditions and experiences. Each family member brings his or her own food attitudes, talents, and goals to the table for the betterment of everyone.

Jack and Kathy Akenson have positive food experiences orchestrated to the T! From sparking a desire to serve, to planning and preparation, to enjoying a great meal with their family and friends, Jack and Kathy are focused on creating memorable experiences with food. They seek to build relationships and enhance their skills as they strut their culinary stuff. Their enthusiasm is contagious!

In this video, food traditions and talents merge to create a melting pot of food experiences as you learn 8 ways that blended families create positive food experiences:

·      Building the desire for positive food experiences

·      Creating a theme for the meal or event

·      Planning and preparation for the meal

·      Sharing in culinary skill development

·      Creating an inviting environment

·      Serving those with whom you eat

·      Enjoying a homemade meal

·      Enjoying time with people and conversation during the meal

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