Knock knock, Food Court Jesters! It’s time for another episode of FOOD COURT, your new favorite podcast where we brave the malls and movie halls so you don’t have to!

To Catch The Predator Month is back in session as Sean & Jon, along with Tyler Mahan Coe (@tylermahancoe) from the hit podcasts “Cocaine & Rhinestones” and “Your Favorite Band Sucks”, take in “The Predator”, Shane Black’s presumably holiday-flavored take on the Predator franchise. Can Mssr. Black return Predator to its nascent, neon-fantastic roots or will the franchise continue limping towards total laughingstock status? Tune in to find out!

Grab your popcorn, sneak in your snacks, and get out your antacids, because it’s time to feast your ears on some celluloid cellulite! Bon Appetit, Food Courtesans, and stick around!