What’s the matter,

Food Courtesans: CIA got you pushing too many pencils? It’s time for another episode of FOOD COURT, your new favorite podcast where we brave the malls and movie halls so you don’t have to!

Sean & Jon got WAY too excited for Shane Black’s return to the Predator film franchise and foolishly decided to rope their buddies into a full-fledged filmic foray into the series by starting at the very beginning: the granddaddy of em all, John McTiernan’s 1987 classic “Predator”. Their first victim is the one and only Michael Hampton (@hichaelmampton) and next week we shall dive into the new flick with Tyler Mahan Coe (@tylermahancoe) from the hit podcasts “Cocaine & Rhinestones” and “Your Favorite Band Sucks”! We will be bobbing and weaving in and out of the Predator movies for the next month, depending on how much Adrien Brody and/or xenomorph-on-xenomorph crime our quivering livers can handle. 

Grab your popcorn, sneak in your snacks, and get out your antacids, because it’s time to feast your ears on some celluloid cellulite! Bon Appetit, Food Courtesans, for we ain’t got time to bleed!