Buckle up, heads! It’s time for another episode of FOOD COURT, your new favorite podcast where we brave the malls and movie halls so you don’t have to!

Your guilty pleasure filmwatching duo have been rejoined! Jon & Sean take in Panos Cosmatos’ “Mandy”, starring the one and only Nicolas Cage. It reminded one of us of early Michael Mann, with bits of good Ridley Scott and maybe a pinch of Jodorowsky. It reminded your other humble host of other things entirely. Who was thrilled?! Who was slightly bored?! Give it a listen and find out. Ps the deadly wheel of meals was definitely spun this episode, much to our collective tummy’s terror.

Grab your popcorn, sneak in your snacks, and get out your antacids, because it’s time to feast your ears on some celluloid cellulite! Bon Appetit, Food Courtesans, for it is a heady trip.