Are you a good time off taker? Are you able to turn off your phone and get present with the people and experiences, or do you feel ancy, agitated and anxiety wondering what you are missing and what messes will await you when you return? Most business owners I meet are TERRIBLE at taking real time off and it is actually hurting their businesses more than they realize.

Join me on this week's episode as I share my recent journey to rest and rejuvenation after taking 12 days off (and not just "entrepreneur off", but "off, off".)  I share insights on how we can gracefully step away from our businesses to recharge, and why it is SO important to do so for enhanced productivity and creativity. 

Learn practical strategies I used to disconnect from technology, set boundaries, and delegated tasks to ensure a seamless break while maintaining business momentum and ease of re-entry.

The membership community Fuel is open now for you to get the support, expertise, accountability and connection! It closes on June 1st for the summer and there is a special offer to save $10 on your first month. Join here today!

Food Business Success is my signature program that helps you launch your delicious idea and grow it to $100K. Everything is inside from the step-by-step videos, tools and five months inside the Fuel membership for coaching + community. And it's guaranteed to make you program fee back or I'll refund your money. Learn more at

Get on the waitlist for Master Your Business here

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The book is #1 on Amazon as a New Release! Pick up your copy of "Key Ingredients" on Amazon here.

Want a step by step checklist? Click here to get the free Whip a Biz You Love Workshop with a checklist.

Check out my YouTube channel at for how to videos to start and grow a packaged food business.