Welcome!  The show today is a replay of our live podcast from last Wednesday.  My guest is Rachael Pontillo, who is a holistic health and image coach and the best-selling author of Love Your Skin, Love Yourself.  She helps women heal from skin conditions by making holistic lifestyle changes.  She has an online program, ”Create Your Skin Care,” that starts on Monday.  See the links below for more info!

In this episode, Rachael shares the following about holistic health and skin care:

She personally went from someone who was overweight and suffering from skin issues to a healthy person with clear skin who just HAD to share her success with others.
Rachael shares the three specific changes she made in her diet and skin care regimen.
She details the importance of the gut-brain-skin connection in good health.
She shares the “trifecta” of skin problem triggers.
Rachael emphasizes the positive mindset needed to heal and nourish your body.
How do you begin to make needed changes?  Rachael tells you how to start with baby steps!
Detox reactions and symptoms can be common for people who change their nutrition and lifestyle.  Rachael shares what to expect and how to minimize discomfort.
If you want to make changes, how do you know what foods to avoid?  Rachael explains.
There are changes you can implement right away to drastically improve your health.
Rachael shares her favorite ingredients for skin care that are in your kitchen right now!  Find out how to use them properly.  (Hint: coconut oil is NOT one of them!)

Rachael has created a video series about skin care with two options:  one is video training on how to use her natural skin care ingredients.  Visit her website and click on “free class.”  The other option is an online six-week course on how to create and customize a natural skin care regimen.  It starts on Monday, but you can sign up throughout the week.  Visit her website for more information.  

How to Reach Rachael and more:



Now it’s your turn!


WHAT changes have you made in your diet? 

HOW have those changes affected your health? 

WHAT has been your biggest challenge while implementing a healthy lifestyle? 

WHO do you want to hear from?


Let me know in the comments below and I will try my best to get them on the show!  I want to answer your burning questions and for YOU to add your thoughts to the conversation.  So go ahead and leave a comment now.  


And if you want even more resources to heal yourself naturally, make sure you sign up for my email updates, because I share some insights in my email updates that I don’t share anywhere else.


Thanks so much for stopping by and until next time, remember to eat consciously, because the world needs a healthy and vibrant you!


My free gift, “The Clean Eating Rules.” It’s my #1 guide for how to eat to lose weight, improve your biometrics, and get more energy.
Summary of Pearls shared on the show
Occasional Love Letters from Dr. Anh, where I share my favorite recipes and products, upcoming events, new information I’ve learned, and other goodies ☺









