Welcome!  Today’s guest is Evan Brand, who is a certified nutritional therapy practitioner and personal trainer.  He is the author of REM Rehab and Stress Solutions and the creator of the “Not Just Paleo” podcast.  Evan specializes in whole foods nutrition, blood sugar regulation, digestive health, cognitive enhancement, and stress management.  It’s an interesting conversation full of great information, so join us!

Evan’s interest in health intensified when he was in college and working 3rd shift.  He noticed a huge slump in his energy level, an increase in depression, and a lowered immune response.  He searched the internet for answers even though his diet was good, and he worked out as a bodybuilder.  He began experimenting with herbs, supplements, and consciousness to find the key.  His goal now is to help people achieve true health and happiness, which is directly contrary to the goal of traditional medicine.  

Evan discusses the following health topics:

His “Not Strictly Paleo” template for clients advises eating three square meals daily and not crazy fad diets that just add more stress on the body.
Evan describes the adrenal hormonal test and salivary test he commonly uses for his clients.
Evan gives tips for reducing and managing stress.
Evan talks about lights, hormones, and naked eyeballs in his description of sleep and circadian rhythms.
Evan gives helpful tips to achieve optimal sleep, including foods and supplements.
Evan discusses gluten’s impact on moods and overall health.
Evan gives three simple tips to make small changes that bring big health results.

This episode is jam-packed with helpful information.  Don’t miss my conversation with Evan! 

How to Reach Evan and More:

www.notjutpaleo.com   (Evan’s website has resources and free consults available!)

REM Rehab by Evan Brand

Stress Solutions by Evan Brand


Now it’s your turn!


WHAT changes have you made in your diet? 

HOW have those changes affected your health? 

WHAT has been your biggest challenge while implementing a healthy lifestyle? 

WHO do you want to hear from?


Let me know in the comments below and I will try my best to get them on the show!  I want to answer your burning questions and for YOU to add your thoughts to the conversation.  So go ahead and leave a comment now.  


And if you want even more resources to heal yourself naturally, make sure you sign up for my email updates, because I share some insights in my email updates that I don’t share anywhere else.


Thanks so much for stopping by and until next time, remember to eat consciously, because the world needs a healthy and vibrant you!


My free gift, “The Clean Eating Rules.” It’s my #1 guide for how to eat to lose weight, improve your biometrics, and get more energy.
Summary of Pearls shared on the show
Occasional Love Letters from Dr. Anh, where I share my favorite recipes and products, upcoming events, new information I’ve learned, and other goodies ☺