When I say Twitter changed both my personal and business life I mean it and it continues to be a gateway for life-changing moments for me.  I remember where I was when I got followed by @GaryVee on Twitter, I remember the moment Vala Afshar reached out and asked if I wanted to jump on a phone call and I remember being invited to a dinner by Jay Baer at a social media event because in his words “he wanted to get to know me more and say thank you for the support of his content.”

As a proud pager-wearing millennial keynote speaker I get the pleasure of debunking myths and translating “millennial habits” for brands shifting the perspective around generational labeling and in some cases, explaining that the stereotypes aren’t wrong.

But one of the millennial habits that I love to highlight and drive attention to is the fact that most millennials want to feel a part of something and are open about their desire to be mentored and celebrate those they look up too.  In this same notion, millennials also are shifting what they consider a great leader as they believe it’s no longer just about your experience and knowledge rather your ability to educate those around you with that knowledge and experience.  The other aspect of this millennial lead shift is thanks to social media the distance between those we lookup to and those we consider our mentors has been shrunk to being as little as 280 characters away or in this case a Facebook suggestion to follow @FindTroy

Paying it Forward Thanks To Social Media Isn’t A Yearly Initiative Rather A Daily Focus!

For me reading two books Jay Baer’s YouTility and Gary Vaynerchuk’s Jab Jab Jab Right Hook transformed my philosophy around social media helping me adopt my mantra of #ShowUcare.  #ShowUCare was my community and content strategy from giving my content away for free, engaging and caring about every person that engages with me no matter their follower count and probably most importantly going out of my to show I cared about others before I ever wanted them to care about me or what I do.

This is something that hit home recently for me after reading Seth Godin’s email newsletter where he simply stated:

“Remarkable work is usually accomplished by people who have non-typical priorities” -Seth Godin

So as my iSocialFanz brand awareness has increased and I’ve been able to grow an amazing engaged community I’ve made it my mission to not only continue to #ShowUcare but also find ways to give others that feeling and memory I had when GaryVee, Vala Afshar and Jay Baer took the time to show me they cared.  

So what does all this have to do with millennials and a facebook friend request……  Well, you’ll have to listen to the episode but I can promise you that what went down after I sent a friend request to Troy Sandidge will be something I never forget and I believe will have a lasting impact on both of us for years to come.

Please enjoy this podcast episode where I interview my newest Facebook Friend Troy Sandidge who just happened to make me speechless with his post after accepting my friend request.  And that was just the start as he did it again after jumping on the podcast and sharing his story of optimism, resiliency and genuine hard work. The man has had 3 brain surgeries, was only 2lbs at birth and lost his mother as a teenager yet his outlook on life can best be described as “calm, positive and thankful.”  

I challenge you after listening to this episode to think about Troy’s battles before complaining about your bad luck and rather than spending time making excuses use that time to #ShowUcare about others in your community and your life as you never know the impact that will have or the places it could lead you, including being a guest on your favorite podcast.

YouTube Video Mentioned in the podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHPzub2xk9M

Follow my guest Troy Sandidge on social:

https://twitter.com/FindTroy https://www.instagram.com/FindTroy/ http://troysandidge.com/


Also, check out Social Media Week Lima June 18th & 19th hosted by my good friend Jessika Phillips as I'll be speaking there for the 3rd year in a row and Troy will be speaking there as well! https://nowmarketinggroup.com/social-media-week-lima/


Sponsored: As a gadget FOMO geek I’m always looking for new gear, exciting technology and tech tools for myself as well as my clients! I found #AlibabaMarchExpo and got this cool wireless charger holder for my clients & my Jeep:  https://bit.ly/2UswiEO


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