The world needs more empathy, I believe this is something we can all agree on but what does that mean?  For many when they think about being empathetic they immediately think about their interaction with others.  Which is the key principle of empathy but I believe to be an empathetic leader not only must you recognize and share in the feelings of others but you must make changes to empower others to recognize and share in your own feelings.

Fatzo, yes that's what Brian was called growing up.... 

Which ok is a fun play on his last name Fanzo but you might be wondering why he would share that & how does it have anything to do with empathy.  Well you'll have to listen as it's not often host Brian Fanzo dives into "Leadership" focused episodes but this theme is not only close to his heart but it goes far beyond leadership but it needs to start with leadership NOW!

Brian discusses the differences between failure & vulnerabilities as well as addressing the core aspects of empathy and why we must move from realizing "The world needs more empathy" to understanding the mindset shifts required to go on this path and start changing today! 

Definitions included in this show include: 

Empathy is the ability to recognize and share in the feelings of others. Vulnerability: the state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Also Brian references this quote from Brene Brown: 

"our purpose in life is connection, and connection can only happen as a result of authenticity."

You'll have to listen to the episode to hear the 2 mindset shifts but Brian believes 100% in this mission mainly because its not that he believes it's possible but he is living proof.

Practice What We Preach:

Brian walks through a long list of things that he's learned about himself that he used to be embarrassed about but now realize are what make him unique which are included below as he broke them down into two categories:

Skills that I’ve found essential yet not focused on early in my career:

Self confidence Empathetic mindset Consistency Authenticity Relationship nurturing Active listening Dynamic communication Compartmentalization Skill set scaling Storytelling Embracing change Prioritization

Growing up Brian was embarrassed by these qualities that were often called out and in many cases the focus of bullying..

Had a little stutter Talked too fast Wanted to make everyone happy Jack of all trades master of none Mommas boy Too emotional Struggled taking tests Always starting new projects & didn’t finishing any Avoided conflict Wanted to be a Dad Was chubby Believed I would change the world

Hope you enjoyed this episode and would to hear your thoughts on the topic as well as suggestions for future episodes!

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