Today on the Follower of One podcast, Mike Henry sits down with Jeneen Hammond. Bringing people together around the stories that inspire, heal and transform us, Jeneen Hammond is an Actress, Storyteller who creates production experiences around the extraordinary stories of everyday people. In today’s episode, Mike and Jeneen talk about how God designed us to work with people, how Jeneen came to Christ and started acting, how God gives us unique gifts to share the Gospel and placing God as the focus in our life. 

Outline of the Episode

01:06  – About Jeneen  02:31  – God calls us to work with people  04:26  – How Janeen came to Christ  06:45  – How Jeneen started acting 07:58  – How God uniquely wires us with gifts  12:53  – Jesus qualifies us 19:13 –  Using our gifts to share the Gospel, placing God as our focus in life 

God Calls Us to Work with People

God has designed humans to work with others. If we don’t work with others, how can we build relationships with other people and share the Gospel? Interacting with others is essential in the sharing of the Gospel, and God created us to do exactly this. 

Jesus Qualifies Us

Jesus qualifies us to go out and share the Gospel. This doesn’t mean that sharing the Gospel will be easy, in fact, we will face trials as Christians. But, we are absolutely qualified to share the Gospel because we have the Holy Spirit, which enables us to endure any of the trials that we will face. 

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