Contrast patience with pride. We can't serve Jesus if we're proud.   Today's passage is Ecclesiastes 7:8 "Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit." (ESV)   We spent some time talking about humility recently. Notice how in this passage pride is contrasted with patience. How does that work itself out in the life of a workplace Christ-follower?   Pride wants what it wants. I focus on me. Patience is a state of mind where I can invest the time, energy or whatever it is to achieve the outcome. I don't often think of pride being the opposite of patience, but I can sense how my lack of patience may be rooted in my pride.   So what are my action items as I begin to work on this with the people on my team, or in my workplace? I must put others first. By accurately understanding my relationship with God and others, I must develop a spirit of patience. Patience shows that I consider others more important than myself.   Join us on the next Marketplace Mission Trip and let's explore patience together. Let's try to be more patient with our coworkers and team mates. Let's trust God with our time and money. Let's take the time to let go of our pride and trust God with how long something takes.