What does it mean to wait for God? I think "wait" is a bit of an unfortunate translation. What do you expect from God today? Most days I went to work with no thought or expectation of God. Can we expect more of him than he can deliver? We enter our workplaces with little or no expectation of God and we get exactly what we expect - not because God didn't deliver, but because we are unaware.


I've noticed that others are impacted on our Marketplace Mission Trips because their expectations change. We purposely involve God in what we're doing and then we're surprised when we see him work. He's working all the time. He wants to make a difference in the life of everyone you meet.


Do you rely on energy drinks? I don't think I've ever had one. When something is happening, I will be awake, engaged, excited. And when nothing is happening, I can relax, even sleep. When we expect God to act, we get wings. We can fly. And we can sprint, or walk long distances because we know we will see God. Our expectations are the only things that change. 


Change your expectations. Get to know God. Focus totally on Jesus and his plan, and over time you will see him in everything you do, including the most tedious and painful part of your job. Expect more of God, in line with his character, and your life will change. So will the lives of everyone around you. Expect God to work, and to put you to work. We simply need to understand him better so our expectations are in line with his actions! Try it out today.


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