James tells us a certain type of person shouldn't expect wisdom from God. We've been talking about expectations for a few days. Do you expect God to show up at work? Do you expect God to use you? Do you expect God to make a difference in the lives of others at work?


James warns us not to expect much from God if we're double-minded. This word is only used twice in the New Testament, both in James. It means double-spirited. We can't decide between our flesh or the world and God.


Have you ever heard that if you chase 2 rabbits, you will catch none? When we expect God to act, he wants us to expect it the way we trust our chair. I know a man who said he never put all of his weight on an airplane. Being single minded means trusting God. We can't do anything to keep the airplane in the air. James suggests we are unstable if we don't trust God. Trusting God produces stability, but it is also the condition where what we expect comes to pass.


God will do what he will do. If we expect God to do what we want, we'll be wrong. God does what he wants. If your expectations seldom happen, practice expecting God to do what he wants. We know God wants everyone to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4) so we can expect God to work to that end. If he's not doing what we expect, we probably expect the wrong things. 


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