Mission Trip Day 4 - Serve Others The Greek words most often translated service, could also be translated minister. Here, in the New American Standard Bible, the translaters chose "employ in serving" for the translation. Peter is challenging us to put our special gift to work for the service of others.


Do you get up every morning thinking about how to serve others? Mike believes that's the primary change God wants us to make. If we follow Jesus, our goal is to do what Jesus did, and he served others. His whole life was a gift to us, to serve us, to provide a way where we could be restored to God. 


But Mike also confessed, and you probably would to, that he spends most of his time choosing what he does and how he does it. He confessed that he served himself, and challenged us to look at ourselves honestly. 


Peter challenges us to take every gift given by God and put it to work serving others. That's how we make Jesus visible. Serving others is a simple act, that looks so foreign to people who don't follow Jesus. They have to question. They might think we're crazy, but they definitely will notice. Serve others today and make Jesus visible.


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