Mission Trip Day 5 - Speak for Yourself. Peter writes this letter to "those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours," (2 Peter 1:1). So, he's talking to believers. Even so, when he begins to explain why he wants to (stir them up," (vs. 13), he goes on to explain using first-person pronouns to explain the basis for his faith. 


Peter goes on to also state the the scripture, specifically the prophetic word, or the word of the prophets, is more certain even than his eyewitness testimony. But I believe that appeal is there for us. People who give no credibility to the Bible, don't really care what is says. And until they do care what it says, quoting scripture isn't a great way to convince someone else of the truth of our faith. Our first defense is our own interaction with Jesus.


So what was your interaction with Jesus? Practice it today. You thought about it a couple of days ago if you're going through the mission trip. Today, thank Jesus for what he did saving you. Thank him for his blessings for you and what he has done. The easier and the more present Jesus is to you, the easier you can state your beliefs and your reasons for your actions. And that's the first step when it comes to talking with others about our faith. When people begin to see that we care about them, they'll want to know why. That's your chance to speak for yourself.


Don't forget to pray for everyone you'll meet today, too. Whether or not you sign up, you're on a mission when you pray for your coworkers, customers and friends. Why waste an interaction today? Pray for everyone you meet. You never know what God will do in and through you as you pray.