Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander and malice. Those sound like social media, don't they? Why do we jump to these levels when we argue or disagree with people but we have the separation of social media. Could it be these are a trap. 


Mike mentioned each. There is little good here. Do you catch yourself harboring any of these. Some translations say we put them away, and other say we let them be put away. Either way, we make a choice. We either take part in this list of nasty activities or we don't. Can you catch places where you start down this road? Paul warns us to stay away from these 6.


Don't forget next week is our new Marketplace Mission Trip. Learn more at We're working to get a new tool built that will enable people to lead their very own trip rather than just going with us. We hope this tool will allow us to reach more marketplace Christians and make a difference in many more lives. Please join us, and even if you can't, why not consider making a contribution to help with the cost. This isn't free, but we don't charge. Voluntarily join us and watch God's people become more visible, and make a difference in every workplace.