If you listened yesterday, you know we have some new room in our wagon. We were challenged yesterday to get rid of bitterness, anger, wrath and malice. If you got rid of them, you've got place for something new. Today, can you take some kindness to work? 


Do you ever dread going to work? Mike did. He talked about how he could get wound up before he ever got there. Often the days turned out like Mike expected. If he anticipated misery, he got it. But often, when he was excited, looking forward to seeing people he appreciates, he often found joy at work. If you're low on workplace joy, change your method using this verse as a guide. 


Put kindness, compassion and forgiveness in your tool-belt rather than the 6 things we talked about yesterday. Almost everyone would like there to be more kindness, compassion, and forgiveness in the world. But often, we want someone else to bring it. We can't control others, but we can certainly regulate the amount of kindness, compassion and forgiveness we distribute every day. Why not ship double the kindness today? I don't think you'll run out. Try it and see.


And speaking of trying it, sign up for the Marketplace Mission Trip. It starts with a kick-off call this Sunday at 3 PM Central. Join us for 2 weeks of practice bringing kindness, compassion and forgiveness to work. Let's see if your workplace changes when you do! Learn more and sign up at MarketplaceMissionTrip.com.