On the first day of the mission trip, we do what Paul told Timothy to do first: pray for everyone. The most important thing is to pray, on behalf of all people. Can we pray for everyone? We can pray for those we know, and those God brings to mind. Do you pray regularly for the people you work with? Wouldn't it be great if we all had 4 people praying for us, a friend, a coworker, a customer and a vendor or service provider. Imagine what might happen in the world if every person had 3 or 4 people praying for them?


Prayer changes us. When we pray, and listen to God's direction, we end up getting in line with God. Our prayers on the mission trip get us thinking about God and what he wants. Then they get us looking for what's best for our coworkers and friends. And finally, we give thanks, even for difficult things because our gratitude in difficulty makes Jesus visible, too. Our prayers matter.


So who can you pray for today? Pray for everyone you will see and those who are on your calendar. Pray for the people God brings to your mind. Pray consistently and with your self-talk. God will change you as you do, and you will experience his joy and peace in your situation. 


Tomorrow is election day in the US. Please make sure and vote. Your vote matters. And more importantly, please pray for our nation. Pray that the people who win have wisdom and accept responsibility to represent the whole country, and pray for those who are on the losing side that they would be good citizens. Ask God to re-united the United States of America.