The US election is in 2 days. Mike encourages us to continue doing the things God has for us. Daniel didn't criticize the people who had the unfavorable laws passed against him. He didn't whine about it. He didn't complain his case to the king. He just kept doing his thing.


In a couple of days the election will be over. Regardless of who wins, I pray the people of God continue doing what Jesus calls us to do. We follow him and trust him. Our answer doesn't come from government, or from power or might. It doesn't come from the election or the majority or even the opinion polls. Zechariah 4:6 says everything comes from the Spirit of God. He is at work. He is doing his work. We need to do our part and be faithful.


As I pray for our world and the US and this election, I pray that God is glorified. That his people unite, not on a political candidate or even a party platform. Rather I pray we unite in following Jesus. Let's make him visible in a way that prompts others to follow him, too. Daniel kept doing what he had been doing. He kept praying to God. Let's keep turning to God. We don't need to keep fighting or criticizing our opponents. Let's become people who love one another. That's a convicting challenge for me. Is it a convicting challenge for you, too? 


I hope you and I make Jesus visible in a good way this week. He is in charge. We can trust him.